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What is Wrong with Work Today and How It can be Changed for the Better

Essay Instructions:

Krahn, Lowe, Huges.  (2020). 3N3-EBK: WORK, INDUSTRY, CANADIAN SOCIETY 8E,  8th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf 9.4.3].  Retrieved from vbk://978017689280 

Assignment 4: The Future of Work

Weight: 25% of your final grade

Length: 1,000 words

Due: After Unit 5


For this assignment, you need to write an essay on the future of work (1,000 words). The purpose of this essay is to think about what, in your view, is wrong with work today and how it could possibly be changed for the better. It is a visionary essay. Its starting point is the empirical reality of today’s world, and its end point is what it could be. To connect the two, you have to identify the ills of today’s world, the means to cure them, and be aware of the conditions under which change could be brought about. Envisioning a different world of work is not some kind of airy-fairy exercise or escape from reality; it is about laying out possible roadmaps that carefully consider the landscape that needs to be navigated to reach the goal of a better world of work.

Aspects that you should address are the following:

  • Inequality and insecurity
  • Organization of work and the question of “post-industrialism”
  • Globalization of work

The essay should answer the following questions:

  1. What is wrong with work today?
  2. How should work be distributed and organized in the future?
  3. Which are the means to realize your vision of work?
  4. Who is applying those means and who might try to stop their application?


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Assignment 4: The Future of Work
Technological advancement plays a significant role in shaping the future of work. Technology will replace a sizeable number of jobs in the future, meaning that manual work in nearly every sector will be minimal. Workers are beginning to observe this effect. This essay reflects the future of work by answering four critical questions.
What is wrong with work today?
Today's work is marred with many issues, including inequality and insecurity, work organization, and globalization. Occupational inequality is the unequal treatment of employees based on gender, sexuality, race, religion, and other discriminative factors. The most apparent form of inequality in today's workplace is wage discrimination. Commonly known as the gender pay gap, this aspect is based on the idea that women constantly receive less pay for doing similar jobs as men. Part of the inequality is attributed to the fact that women tend to look for part-time jobs or work in lower-paid industries.
The stereotypic idea of the pink-collar worker still exists in today’s work. This disparity reflects broader patterns of occupational segregation and stratification. Unfortunately, the problem persists despite decades of progressive efforts. The government, employees and many employers are currently working to stamp out salary discrepancies between genders. They are also seeking to ensure equal treatment. Beyond occupational inequality is insecurity: a state of uncertainty about continued employment. Today, security has been threatened by automation, outsourcing, globalization, downsizing, and recession. Employees who feel insecure about their jobs are seeking part-time jobs in other organizations or venturing into self-employment.
Globalization is another problem in work today. Globalization is good for business, but it causes reduced wages for employees and threatens jobs. Today, nearly every company dreams of entering the global market to diversify and access more resources at a much lower cost. However, globalization is eroding job security through increased competition between companies, which leads to closures, offshoring, and job losses.
Organization of work and post-industrialism are also affecting work today. With stiff competition, companies are setting unrealistic goals and deadlines, resulting in the improper division of labor, coordination, and control of work. This problem is affecting organizations that want to gain a competitive edge without proper planning. The question of post-industrialism also comes to play when identifying current issues with work today. Post-industrialism has changed the work pattern due to the introduction of new technologies. It reduces manual manufacturing jobs and wages.
How should work be distributed and organized in the future?
Work distribution and organization are effective in ensuring that everything goes as planned. A critical success factor is measured by how a high-performing team leader...
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