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“This I Believe” Reflection: Work Is a Blessing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Part One:

On the "This I Believe" section of the NPR website, read:

Work is a Blessing

A Goal of Service to Humankind

Identify one other "This I Believe" essay or broadcast archive.

What resonated with you? What did you disagree with?

Part Two:

Write your own "This I Believe" reflection.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
This I Believe
Part 1
Going through Work is a Blessing by Russel Honore, and A Goal of Service to Humankind by Anthony Fauci, there are important things that stand out. I also chose another reading titled A Hope for Bettering Humanity by Sir Charles Galton Darwin. These are personal contributions from great people, who offer first hand reactions to what exactly they have gone through, their schools of thought and hence ,what they believe to be the best formula for success. From these readings there is a lot that one can relate with, as well as a few aspects that are slightly contradicting and hence difficult to connect to.
There are some points from the readings that greatly resonated with me. From A Goal of Service to Humankind and A Hope for Bettering Humanity, I totally relate with the authors’ assertions that all great works are for the betterment of the human race, and the world in general. It resonates with me because of the fact that they incorporate a holistic thinking approach. Holistic thinking in this case, reveals a greater coverage of not just personal interests, but also selfless acknowledgement of a higher calling. The two authors enjoy their professions, not because it benefits them only, but other people too. The same is the case for Work is a Blessing, where the author systematically connects his childhood experiences to how they shaped his later experiences in serving people.
Perhaps the only part that I feel I’m in disagreement with, comes from Work is a Blessing. The author is told by his father that "Even having a job you hate is better than not having a job at all." I tend to disagree with this because, the essence of work is not just to carry out the task required. It is in the satisfaction and fulfillment obtained from it, just as Fauci and Darwin state in their works as mentioned earl...
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