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Theoretical Perspectives: Social Stratification

Essay Instructions:

Select one of the theoretical perspectives we have discussed in class. Explain the key components and apply the perspective to the social problem that you discussed in AM#1. What is the difference between your personal explanation in AM#1 and the theoretical explanation?

The social problem I chose for AM1 is poverty and inequality

I will upload reading which is about the homeless and use it as the source which can relate to the theoretical perspective. Cite authors and page numbers from the course readings

Here are four theoretical perspoective

1.Social Constructionist

2.Structural Functionalism

3.Conflict Theory

4.Symbolic Interactionism

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Course Instructor Date Analytic Memo 2 Social stratification is a common factor in every society whereby wealth and other resources are used to classify or rank people. In order to understand how and why society is stratified and the social problems associated with this, it is important to look at society from the lens of different theoretical perspective. In this regard, the conflict theory will be used. In general, this is a theory that was coined by Karl Marx and according to the theory; there is constant competition between the rich and poor in society for the few available resources. This struggle brings about inequality as the rich use their power and influence to maintain and keep their resources from the poor. This same power is also used by those with resources to maintain the class structure in society through influencing various sectors of the economy. Ikejiaku (16) notes that it is not only the economic sectors that are influenced, but the social, cultural and political as well. Examples of the sectors that fall under this influence include the media and the law, but many other institutions are included too. The ability for these institutions to be influenced usually limits the available opportunities for the “have-nots” who are discriminated against and face prejudices from those in higher ranks in society. The lack of access to equal opportunities results into social stratification with the society divided alongside the lines of the poor and the rich. Based on the components of the conflict theory, it can be used to explain the social problem of poverty and inequality in society. For instance, the theory makes it clear that those who suffer most in society because of limited society are the “poor, the women and the people of color.” Since the rich control most of the resources,...
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