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Terrorist Cyber Attacks On National Institutions

Essay Instructions:

Write a 500-word essay on what you believe to be the greater threat to the nation—cyber-crime directed against individuals or terrorist cyber-attacks on national institutions. Provide your opinion, supported by readings, on whether the United States is active enough in countering these threats.

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Terrorist Cyber-Attacks on National institutions
In the recent past, the threat of cyber-attacks has dramatically escalated for both individuals and national institutions. This type of attacks can penetrate systems accessible from the internet if allowed more than enough motivation, time as well as funding. Cyber-criminals gain accesses control and block information exchanges within cooperate networks through the use of various attacks. This attack could include the creation of malicious computer programs, unauthorized access of information, interference with information networks, forgery of documents among other crimes directed towards individuals like account hacks, identity theft, internet scams, and viruses. With the advancement in technology, cyber-criminal weapons are constantly being refined posing new nontraditional threats. However, I believe national institutions suffer a greater threat as a target.
Cyber-terrorism involves the unlawful attacks and threats against computers, networks and the information with a view of intimidating both the government and its people for political or social gain. The effects of cyber-attacks on national institutions are usually more devastating than on individuals and could result in wars. For instance, the results of the leakage of military tactics and procedures as a result of cyber-attacks explain my opinion better (The Council of Economic Advisors 35). The situation is worsened by the advancement in technology and the skills to both citizens and the national government. This results in the creation of new weapons which are used by the terrorists to initiate cyber-attacks. Cyber-terrorism thus comes out as a way out for terrorists for its anonymity, psychological damages, as well as its ability to instill greater damages.
One of the areas targeted by cyber-terrorists is the financial sector. Finances a...
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