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Technology And Culture - A Phenomenon Often Labeled Globalization

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Political Science 100 Essay Questions

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With the dramatic rise of the world‐wide exchange of goods, services, technology and culture - a phenomenon often labeled “globalization” - does the concept of the nation-state still have a role to play? Should it or should it not?

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Globalization and the Nation-States
The concept of globalization was developed in the 19th century where many nations have promoted the interchange of goods and products. Globalization has affected the sovereignty of the modern life in many countries. Globalization is characterized by the complete disappearance of social, financial and cultural outskirts between the nation-states. The role of the nation-state in globalization is unpredictable one because of the changing definitions and moving ideas of globalization. A few researchers show that nation-states, which are intrinsically separated by physical and financial limits, will be less pertinent in a globalized world (Löhr et al. 230). The United States and China are examples of the globalized nations which are highly active in international trading and also have their particular concerns about globalization. These matters are unemployment, unjust work conditions, and low living standards. Globalization changed the way in which nation-state dealt with each other especially in international trade. Accordingly, the understudy will shed light on the role of nation-state in globalization.
The Role of the Nation-State
The link between nation-state and globalization is the perception of sovereignty. Initially, states have been bound by rules such as a customary international law that have been regulating foreign commerce policy. The nation - state over the years had revealed their interest in the broader framework of binding rules that help in defining rights regarding economic, technology and cultural circumstances. It provided states with efficiencies of scale, jobs, lowered unit cost and also increased goods variety for everyone (McGrew et al. 146). The nation-state focuses on fortifying its establishments, and even guaranteeing the quality of market foundations through the insurance of property rights, contract authorization, and budgetary responsibility. In this structure, the state ought to take part in planning development procedures for development purposes. However, the nation-state empowers economic improvement to happen through market components.
As globalization in rising day by day, the role of a nation-state is dramatically changing, and their rule is becoming more conditional, complex and negotiable. Some research proclaimed that the nation-state role would change, and they will have no room for patriotism (McGrew et al. 200). Globalization goes against the will of the people who discovered it. Nonetheless, multinational enterprises need nation-state to deliver high economic stability. Moreover, most of the worldwide offices have obtained critical powers, and states have bound themselves, to some degree at least, to maintain and execute their decisions. But then again this does not mean the net loss of power. Nation-states are the very building squares of global administration. Without a nation - state, international organizations would either not exist or would have no authenticity or methods for authorization. However, national governments play an essential part in allowing interdependence and economic incorporation of various activities by adopting and elaborating market-oriented regulations to international and local levels.
The role of the nation-state in globalization is a significant factor in global interdependence. Its purpose is to regulate and drive nations into engagement with each other and develop international trade policies. States efforts on maintaining free trade and also in encouragement of reduction of commerce barriers are reflected in the negotiations of the former General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) which terminated the establishment of multilateral trading (Kamens 76). The primary objective is which way nations set the rules, who do they support and in what capacity can the least powerful also engage in policy-making of the global field, and even do it in ways that benefit them. Globalization has however changed this arena, and several nations are not involved as others in setting the global financial plan, because of enormous power imbalances among countries that are reflected in universal establishments. As an outcome, the present type of globalization is to a great extent formed by the standards progressed by the most influential countries and these guidelines do not support developing nations and states in transition.
Impacts of Globalization on the Nation-State
Today, globalization has caused changes in the role of the nation-state because of the reinforced regional associations and also the dependency on one another. States were developed to be independent, however, due to globalization, several nations give their sovereignty away. Although globalization brings changes to the nation-state's condition, it as well brings positive impacts. Therefore, has brought both challenges and chances, economic penetration and interaction among multicultural culture. There are many beliefs that entrepreneurship and technological innovations are the main factors behind globalization. However, these factors alone cannot clarify the process of improved economic integration. Globalization mostly favors the westernization which explains that the nation-states are disadvantaged when they get in terms with Europe and America (Kamens 102). For instance, in the agriculture industry, second and third world countries encounter internal competition from the western sectors. Therefore, the nation-state has a role in equalizing the relationships between nations. Globalization also pushes nation-states to examine the economic policies with many difficulties that are presented by international commerce and multinational corporations. Moreover, multinational companies mostly challenge the nation-state when dealing with global direct investment issues that force nation-states to regulate how much foreign influence they let in their economies.
The increased utilization of technology affects the nation-state role. People's interaction across the world the world creates solid connections between different nations. Therefore, when the internet makes information readily available to every person, nation-state can no longer regulate in-state interactions and is not entirely reliable for enlightening its citizens. Moreover, globalized economic modifications have changed the role of the nation-state by creating stock markets, global franchises, and online banking. This form of globalization has positive and negative impacts. For example, in 2011, approximately 15% out of 100 Glob...
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