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Summary: Do Muslim Women Need Saving?

Essay Instructions:

Post a summary of Abu Lughod's article following the instructions below for Sunday 22 before class

Why do some people think Muslim women need saving, according to Lila Abu Lughod? (100 words max)

What does she propose instead of ‘saving’? (100 words max)

Do you think they need saving? (100 words max)

Give one example to support your argument. (100 words max)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Do Muslim Women Need Saving?
The answer, according to the book title, is that Muslim women do not need saving. The focus is on what the author means by savings. In the sense of basic humanity, society has the right to defend the right of every individual from being violated by other members of the human race. Lila-Abu Lughod conquers this idea. The majority of people believe that the Muslim religion is biased against women and has left women oppressed. Women are underrepresented in various sectors like politics and formal employment (El Guind 171). Women's education and empowerment have not been given a priority according to the Sharia Laws. Additionally, many Muslim women are denied the right to make critical decisions concerning their lives, like marriage.
According to Lughod, she feels that the Muslim religion has its way of creating empowerment among women. She explains that abuse of power and Misogyny are the major causes of women's oppression. The author explains that the oppression of women was among the major factors that led to the United States' war on terror in Afghanistan (Scott 110). She explains that the pressure of the women in Afghanistan would continue if the United States troops leave the country. Lughod believes that the west can play a significant role in eradicating the oppression of women by adv...
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