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Sociology: Racial Segregation

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Racial segregation in the United States traces back to the pre-civil war era. Whites believed they were superior to the black slaves from Africa. The black slaves were considered fit only for physical work. The general agreement at the time being that the black slave did not have the capacity to handle intellectual work. The civil war was occasioned by a decisive change in the mind-set of the liberal North. Their perception was that the black slave was essentially a man. Thus, there was no justification for a man to be held as a slave. This represented the first attempt in establishing equality of the races.
This paper thus seeks to examine the issue of racial segregation with specific reference to inequality and how it applies to urban development and change. The paper defines inequality as the difference in nature. Thus, inequality of the races is occasioned by the perception of one race as superior to the other. The paper notes, that despite the proclamation by President Lincoln. There have been significant attempts at curtailing the freedom of the black man. These efforts have been systemic. Often backed by public policy efforts, law and funding mechanisms. The question of race and its impact on the equality of the races remains unresolved. Inequality in Urban development and change pervades. Race is clearly the major determinant in the issue of inequality in urban development. The paper will seek to determine how race impacts the socioeconomic condition of the blacks. The paper will examine this notion and subject it to critical analysis.
Inequality is simply defined as the difference in the socio, political and economic status of individuals. Urban development studies the development of cities and the process that affect this. This is a wholesome study looking at the social, political, economic, cultural and physical factors that affect the growth of cities. The paper will focus on inequality as relating to the growth function of urban development.
Silver and Moeser note how political leaders are instrumental in the segregation of citiesCITATION Chr \p ": 29" \l 1033 (Silver and John V. Moeser: 29). The authors note in their seminal book, of how blacks negotiated with white political leaders to allow for the expansion of black neighborhoods. The theme of inequality is prevalent in these negotiations. Noting, that the blacks did not have representation in the political system governing these cities. As such, the white leaders even when well meaning, catered largely to the needs of the white majority. The white were their constituents. Thus, they worked to ensure their advantage was entrenched.
Wassell Randolph said that there was a natural zoning of the racesCITATION Wil \p :39 \l 1033 (Wilson:39). The argument was predicated on a false assumption that the blacks chose to live in the less desirable places in the city. Randolph as a principal member of the City planning committee had the ability to influence policy. Thus, blacks were directed and provided space for housing in areas that were not attractive to whites. Race was the qualifying factor that drove the city planning committee. This would simple action would have a domino effect. The Supreme Court, when delivering the judgment in favor of segregation argued for the necessity of separate but equal treatment. This could not be achieved, noting that the white majority controlled almost all avenues of government. Thus, public facilities in black neighborhoods received less funding from state governments. This resulted in their fall into disrepair due to lack of maintenance.
Inequality is apparent in the economic aspect of urban development. Noting, that where the community of blacks lost their employment in the factories, there was a domino effect. Black communities grew due to the influx of people into these communities looking for work in industrial centers. Where industry boomed, there was a steady immigration into these areas. However, when such work ended, problems began to arise in the inner-city neighborhoodsCITATION Cam \p ": 66" \l 1033 (Charles: 66). These include; crime, low social organization and family dissolution as noted by Wilson. Blacks were unable to get new work, noting that they lacked the skills and training to function in a modern economy. This problem is further compounded by lowering of unionization rates. This is directly related to segregation. Blacks are as a consequence of a poor educational foundation unable to adapt to changes in the workplace. Thus, they are constrained to live in the inner city ghettos. Where they will not have access to facilities that would allow them to improve the nature of urban development e.g. credit. Their non-involvement in the work place reduces their social and political capital. They are thus, not involved in the political spheres. They can therefore not put in place public policy to address these challenges.
Inequality affects change. As the American economy has changed from a manufacturing based to a service economy. Black communities have been unable to change to keep up. ...
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