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Sociology In Race: Discrimination And Prejudice

Essay Instructions:

This class is a sociology class intro. Must have one theory and at least 3 concepts . I would like to use race . I will be attaching all power points and videos the professor had us watch. It’s an academic paper but wants us to see it as a journal and talk about how this class is going to help me in the future and/or how I going to use it in the future. I am a manager at a retail store and do want to become a social worker in the future. Working at a retail , people tend to focus on minorities as the criminals and label someone’s race but just how they look and if they are thefts they automatically tend to blame it on a minority by just the color of there skin and how they look . Also learned if you are a minority it is much harder to succeed but does not mean you can’t accomplish and succeed especially being a female Hispanic.

We also saw YouTube videos

Charlottesville: race and terror

Trever Noah :Black on America

Color blind or color brave. If this helps.

if sources are use I will need it to be cited.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Instructor Course Date Sociology in Race The creation of the U.S. resulted in the displacement of the indigenous people and the majority European descended people settled in differently locations and there was even justifications provided for taking away the Native Americans land. During slavery and even now being American was synonymous with whiteness and even now non-whites are treated as others. While there are fewer racial barriers than in the past, racial markers can affect one’s life in the U.S. For instance when non whites are considered as inferior and irrational even the law enforcement agents and civilians can treat them differently. Hispanics Americans are the largest recent immigrant group in the U.S. and even as are those prominent in media, politics, entertainment, academia a and sports, many suffer discrimination especially if their English is poor and if they are in the country illegally. While there is racial discrimination and prejudice, race consciousness and increased awareness about racism are important to address racist attitudes and behavior. Functional Theory or functionalism partly explains racism and prejudice where the racial and social inequities in a society exist in a way that makes it possible to perpetuate discrimination and prejudice. When there is an attempt to do away with discrimination and prejudice there is a backlash from those who benefit and feel that their statuses are threatened. for instance, the passage of the Civil Rights Act was not without fight as there are those who believed that protection of Constitutional rights and freedoms out not to have been extended to all non white Americans. at the same time, the contribution of different groups is often unrecognized and the way the social system functions then influences how people in the in-groups and out-groups behave if there are is a pattern of discrimination and racial profiling, it is more common for minorities to call out the end of such practices, but in the media and among non-Hispanic whites such incidents are likely seen as isolated. Prejudice is an attitude and discrimination a behavior, but they do not always occur together, while it is possible to be biased against others without being openly hostile. Nonetheless, when there is prejudice it is more likely that people will be less tolerant of others and in extreme cases this can be hostile to them. Additionally, those holding prejudice attitudes are often preoccupied with power and how other people hearten their way of life or are different from them. Since those holding prejudiced view people from other racial groups violating certain norms they are more likely to fear, reject and suspicion. In some cases prejudice and discrimination are shaped and maintained by people attempts to adjust socially and if people are in contact with those who express clear prejudices some may agree with such ideas rather than resist prejudice and discrimination, which become normalized. The process of process of invisibility and exclusion has been associated with discrimination in the workplace since the views and place of minorities is ignored. This is further complicated when there is intersection of gender, race, class. Often, the discrimination procedure is classification exercise linked to easily identifiab...
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