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Significance of political culture togovernment and public policy in the USA

Essay Instructions:
Answer this question in two pages. Define political culture and explain it's significance for government and public policy in the USA. Use Concrete examples to strengthen the essay
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Significance of political culture togovernment and public policy in the USA
The spirit behind politics and political efforts should be judged in terms of sincerity, honesty, equality and their abidance to fundamental human rights and freedoms (Almond &Verba, 1989). A moral dimension of this sort can be used to sum up the beliefs, values, and system of norms shared by Americans as a society at any given point in time and to the extent which these are reflected or not within the American political systems and political processes. Indeed, this applies to various mature democracies around the world too.
The importance of the political culture in government and public policy development cannot be underestimated especially in the United States. Almost every major government decision as well as every policy agenda has to be made possible through political goodwill and deliberation by several top government organs and individuals before it is passed through a democratic process of voting. In order to harness support for a specific policy, law, or bill, the government or politicians championing a cause shall get in cohorts with several other legislators, public policy developers, grass roots community organizers among others in order to marshal support for a specific cause on the agenda. This often includes getting in touch with political rivals (Goodwin, 2009) or opponents and deliberating on the positions both sides of the divide hold about that particular idea or proposal. It is however important to note that, these leaders in government as well as the public policy directors should represent the respective people they have been chosen or appointed to represent and therefore championing their cause is as important since it is their official designated responsibility.
Brennan and Buchanan (p. 179), assert that while the significance of the political culture is evident in the governance and governmental processes it is important to note that some specific governmental decisions or political views may be considered moral or conversely immoral as long as both shall always be tied to morality in the eyes of the common citizen and so long as the processes within the political culture imply a moral dimension then it shall be important to keep an eye on the way in which the citizens choose to relate these issues to themselves.
In conclusion, it would be of great significance to note that the active political culture in the US is largely owed to the robust democracy that is enviable across the globe. This is American it is an open society as Popper (2005) writes. Open societies often stimulate and provide liberal terms to that stimulate the competencies of creativity of the average American system. The expected results of a fruitful democratic process in the US, e.g. public policies, shall be quantified positively or negatively based on the moral dimension of the political process. That is why when c...
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