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Dialogue Conversation: Should Women Have the Right to Choose Abortion

Essay Instructions:

Write dramatic dialogue conversation with two people arguments for and Against " Should women have the right to choose abortion " Please full understanding of competing arguments about the issue but clearly argues for the best position. Carefully examining an issue in order to come to a reasoned judgment.Focus on the strong reason for your judgement(conclusion). Arguments for and against the reason judgement are delivered in an engaging and clear manner, but also write dialogue conversation with the opposing side. Please included Bibliography.

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Should Women Have the Right to Choose Abortion?
Abortion has remained a controversial topic both in culture and politics all over the world. The most contentious question is whether women should have the right to choose abortion. Some people have come up in support of this claiming that women should have a say in abortion as they have the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies. Others argue that children have a right to be born. These are two opposing sides, and this paper will use two different people’s opinions (Kyle and Charles) each supporting a different side to show whether women should have a right to choose abortion. Abortion depends on the duration of the pregnancy and occurs in many ways for instance through taking pills and at times insertion of wires to remove the growing fetus.
Kyle: women should have a right to choose abortion. People should also look at the girl as a human being. At times people do not want to have abortions, but the circumstances surrounding them forces them. For instance poverty, a young mother might choose to abort rather than bring a child into a world of suffering. The timeliness of the pregnancy should also be put into consideration. In some cases, girls accidentally get pregnant at crucial times maybe in the beginning of a new career. In such cases, the girl should be allowed to choose between abortion and her career since it may affect the rest of her life (Women must have the Right to Choose, 123).
Charles: There is nothing like accidental pregnancies. If a woman does not want to get pregnant, there are ways of doing so. There are options readily available to prevent pregnancies such as the use of protection during intercourse and the use of birth control. If women are not using the above tools to avoid getting pregnant, they should not abort. Women should not be forced to abort because of poverty but should rather look for other options. Children should be up for adoption instead of abortion. By doing so, the child will have a better future as opposed to growing up in poverty. Please do not tell me that a career can lead to abortion; jobs can be put on hold in the case of pregnancy. When a girl gets pregnant, she should be ready to face the consequences even if it means putting her career on hold.
Kyle: The right to abortion is vital for women to achieve their full potential and that banning abortion will only lead to women risking their lives through illegal abortions. For women to reach their full potential they need to be active and sometimes pregnancy can come in the way of that. Women have the right to choose abortion so as not to interrupt with their plans and goals. If women were denied the right to abortion, they would then turn to illegal abortions clinics. According to a recently concluded research, the amount of deaths associated with illegal abortions has been on the rise in America and worldwide. If abortion were legalized, the number of deaths would reduce dramatically. Women should have a right to choose on abortion through the legalization of abortion countrywide. In the early 2000s, some states had still not legalized abortions forcing young girls to go to out of state abortion clinics and at times illegal clinics (Manian, Maya 89).
Charles: I agreed with on the amount of deaths caused by illegal clinics however legalization of abortion is not the answer to this. In fact, legalizing it will only lead to an increase in the rate of abortion in the country. Additionally, the legalization of abortion would also lead to an increase in the number of illegal clinics. This is because everybody will be free to open clinics since the regulations would be loosened. This will lead to illegal practice which can endanger the lives of young pregnant women and the chances of them ever conceiving again. I am a Christian and a member of the Catholic Church and I strongly believe that abortion is a crime against humanity and should be termed as murder. The Catholic Church has been the leading vocalist against abortion. We argue that the Bible is against the practice and considers it punishable.
Kyle: I am also a Christian and I believe that people should choose what they want to do with their lives and if God truly loves them He will understand the reasons for their actions. The issue of religion should not be used by those who are against abortion since it is God who made abortion possible. As Christians we believe that God has the best intentions for us and if the abortion will make the future of a young girl brighter then I believe that god will also advocate for the abortion.
Charles: abortion is supposed to de described as another life and it is not only cruel to take another person’s life but also inhumane. People should put into consideration the lives of others especially children since they are the leaders of tomorrow. I have on numerous occasions heard those supporting abortion claims that women have the right to do what they choose with their bodies. But the truth is there is nobody who has four legs and four hands (that’s including the unborn child. Abortion came about for women who do not want responsibilities.
Kyle: I strongly disagree with this point because it is also inhumane to bring a child into the world where one cannot see a future for the innocent baby. Women just like all the other people also have a right to decide on what they want to do with their bodies. The interests of the mother should be put first while approaching the issue of abortion. If the future of the preg...
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