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Should we Promote Diversity in the Workplace/Schools/Politics?

Essay Instructions:

As you know, you will pick one of the options noted below. You are welcome to bring either of the Essay #4 texts into your discussion if it works for your overall thesis/ point.

● In what ways have I been treated differently by others, or by society, because of my race?

● How did I grow up? Was my community diverse or more homogeneous? How has that affected the way I see people of other races? Is this related to what Mellody Robson says in her Ted Talks video about being “Color Brave”?

● How can I diversify my circle of friends? What could I gain (or lose) by doing this?

● Should we promote diversity in the workplace/ schools/ politics? If so, how?

● In what ways have I been subconsciously (or consciously) racist? What can I do to be more anti-racist?

● Am I uncomfortable talking about racism with others? Why might this be?

● Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” How do I want to respond when I hear people make racist comments or jokes?

● Have I read any books or watched any films from a different perspective than my own race/ culture? What did I learn?

● How does racism spread? Why is it so hard to eradicate? What are some actions I can do to help with this issue?

● Did anything from the two texts we looked at “say anything” to you?

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Should we Promote Diversity in the Workplace/ Schools/ Politics? If so, how?
For several evident reasons, it is supremely critical to promote diversity in all facets of human life, especially in the United States. Diversity refers to embracing all people, their age, gender, social class, health status, and race, notwithstanding. Diversity in society is pivotal in nurturing robust and solid relationships because everyone develops a strong sense of belonging. In addition, where people feel accepted, they incline to be more motivated and innovative. Diversity can also help individuals tour different countries and learn about distinct cultures without necessarily boarding a plane. In essence, the exchange of ideas between people from different backgrounds enriches people in a variety of ways. Since racism is a topic that continues to generate heated debates, it is critical to highlight how people can promote racial diversity and its overarching implications in workplaces, schools, and politics.
In workplaces, racial diversity means accepting, embracing, and allowing the inclusion of all employees regardless of their race. Essentially, it means giving all workers equal opportunities and rights, especially those from minority or underprivileged racial groups. Racial diversity plays a pivotal role in enhancing the psychological well-being of workers because they feel valued and accepted. As such, they work with enhanced dedication and commitment, which is beneficial to the organizations they work in. In addition, racial diversity allows workers from different ethnicities to exchange ideas and nurture solid interpersonal relationships. This helps them to embrace novel perceptions, which may help to evaluate values and lead a more productive life. One fundamental way of promoting racial diversity in workplaces is crafting a culture of zero tolerance for any form of racial discrimination. In this regard, organizations must formulate policies that explicitly forbid racism. In addition, organizations should offer equal training and development programs to all employees to facilitate their growth. Equally important, organizations should not hide from the problem (Hobson). They should ventilate it openly to overcome the barriers that may be hindering racial diversity.
American history is replete with accounts of racial segregation in the education system. To a considerable extent, some of those accounts evoke intense emotional reactions, given their ruthlessness. This necessitated getting to the root of the matter and dealing with it comprehensively. This gave rise to the civil movement in mid 20th century, whose fundamental objective was to subdue all forms of discrimination. Civil society agitated for non-white learners to be allowed to integrate and have equal learning opportunities with white learners. Thankfully, the situation has been changing gradually, and many learning institutions espouse r...
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