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Types Of Rhetoric That Socrates, Gorgias And Polus Engage

Essay Instructions:

Plato's Republic, chapters 9 and 10 (pages 162-196) , Summary chapter 9 and chapter 10. What is a philosopher and Philosophy and Politics, respectively. What are the types of Rhetoric that Socrates, Gorgias and Polus engage? And how Socrates takes apart Gorgias and Polus from the standpoint of dialectic.

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Plato's Republic, chapters 9 and 10
Plato's Republic is one of the major references when discussing ethics, politics, and the theory of knowledge, education, arts and human nature. In his dialogue, the Republic, Plato question several philosophical beliefs regarding justice. Plato defines a true philosopher, what philosophy entails and politics. In chapter nine and ten, Plato highlights the types of rhetoric that Socrates, Gorgias, and Polus engage in during their discussion showing how Socrates excellence investigating the truth about various subjects.
Plato presents his view of who a true philosopher is , according to him , philosopher is someone who exercises leadership position, he needs to have the political ability and philosophy(Badiou 199).. To understand humanity as a whole, the political processes and philosophy work hand in hand.The political community will not see the light of the day because there will be no rationality without understanding philosophy and politics(Badiou 202).
A true leader needs to combine political thought and philosophical idea, not everyone can become a philosopher according Plato. Philosophers are the ones exercise leadership positions. Being a philosopher means having the ability to grasp the nature of the universe, even it undergoes several changes (Badiou 204).
Being a philosopher can be equated to someone who is able to hold fast to communist principles to protect the institution in these principles are embodied (Badiou 206). According to Plato, a true philosopher is someone who does not give up what is revealed to him be it small, large, or great or someone negligible, this ...
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