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Renewable Energy: The Next Source Of Energy

Essay Instructions:

The aim of composing an argumentative research paper is not only to summarize existing perspectives or simply to inform readers about a topic. You have been developing these skills throughout the course, and you should use them to support your writing process, but they are not ends in themselves; rather, they are a means to achieve more complex rhetorical objectives. Your aim for this assignment, specifically, will be to construct a research-based argument for a solution that contributes something new to an ongoing scholarly conversation about a problem. Specifically, you will propose a detailed solution that it is possible to implement in response to a real problem. The instructions described below are designed to guide you through this process.

 Invention and Inquiry                                                        

  • Identify the core problem that motivates your research;
  • Revisit your research question and refine/refocus it where necessary;
  • Gather together the resources you have developed throughout the semester;
  • Note the different perspectives represented in the conversation you have defined;
  • Consider where you stand with respect to the core problem and competing perspectives;
  • Draft a thesis statement in which you position yourself within the conversation (based on the research you have completed, the evidence you have gathered, and what contribution you hope to make to the scholarly conversation). Specifically, the thesis will pose a solution that it is realistic to enact.

The Composing Process

  • Introduce your problem and define the scope of your paper;
    • Describe the extent of the problem and the specific portion of the problem that you will address with your solution;
    • Pose your specific solution;
  • Provide background on your topic and why it matters to your audience;
  • Use the sources you have gathered to position yourself in a scholarly conversation;
  • Add your own research findings based on the evidence you have gathered and analyzed;
  • Propose a solution to the problem that adds something new to the conversation;
    • Argue for why your specific solution is the best choice;
    • Discuss the specific steps needed in order to implement your solution;
    • Consider funding opportunities and the possible budget needed to effectively implement your solution;
  • Conclude your paper by reaffirming the importance of the problem and pointing toward your solution and the means of acting on it.

Specific Requirements

Your paper should:

  • Articulate and develop a clear and compelling thesis that is a solution to a problem;
  • Position your argument within a scholarly conversation;
  • Fully integrate a minimum of 10 sources into your argument;
  • Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style;
  • Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of your paper;
  • Be 10-12 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman typeface);
  • Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).

The work of joining a scholarly conversation is neither simple nor easy. As you have learned throughout the semester, it requires that we learn about existing scholarship and find ways that we can contribute to it through our own, independent research. It is difficult to work, but if done well, you can use your writing to join conversations and help to address important problems, both in the academy and in the context of work and community life. Please write or stop by my office (or both) if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Renewable Energy The world is increasingly becoming more sensitive to the effects of its activities on the environment and their harmful, if not catastrophic, repercussions. Climate change, for instance, is an uncommon unifying factor that forces the leadership of the world to combine efforts in reducing the rate of carbon emission into the atmosphere. The use of non-renewable sources such as coal, nuclear power, natural gas and oil to produce energy hugely contributes to the degradation of the O-zone layer leading to the climate change witnessed around the universe (Jayalakshmi, 2015). Furthermore, there exists a real possibility of depletion of these natural resources owing to their over-exploitation spanning back across a number of years into civilization. Faced with the rising demand for energy needs for continued growth and development of economies, governments and international organizations, profit and non-profit, are making great investments in the renewable energy sector. Renewable energy is the next source of energy supply to the world owing to its diverse advantages over the traditional sources that bring harm to the environment and face the inevitable end of depletion with the current rate of exploitation. Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy enjoys the merit of cost-effectiveness, reliability, and environmental friendliness thus being a more resourceful and sustainable source. The world is today making strides in all the major sector of the economy to achieve various development goals aimed at enhancing human life. The rate of production through manufacturing processes across the universe is at an all-time high owing to the rapid growth in population. The increasing population demands for more resources to meet the equally rising needs that the populous want satisfied. The economic opportunities created by ever-rising demand consequently create a rapid growth in different sectors of the economy as countries and corporations alike endeavor to outdo each other for an upper hand in revenue collection and profits respectively (Jayalakshmi, 2015). Achieving the great fete requires great investment into the energy sector as it is the backbone or rather the heart of any country that seeks to maximize the conversion of its raw materials to finished products.The aim of such processes being primarily to meet the basic needs and demands of its citizens and for trade. Consequently, innovations in energy production are also on the rise with various resources being utilized to meet the proportionate demands to fuel the economies while also providing domestic services to the people. Traditionally, fossil fuels or the non-renewable sources of energy have over the years been the key supply of the important economic and development tool (Ellaban, 2014). However, innovations in the renewable energy production options proves to be more beneficial to the world compared to the use of fossil fuels. Intensive research in the production of clean energy and technologies of supply to the growing market of the same is currently on the rise. The sources of renewable energy are replenished from nature and thus enjoy a longevity in sustaining the energy demands that fossil fuels did not enjoy. Innovations in the solar and wind energy production in the third world countries around the world as an alternative to the expensive fossil fuel production have been initiated and adopted into the national grid systems. Biomass energy production in the mainly agricultural economies around the world also serves as reliable alternatives to the traditional sources and saving on cost at the domestic level. Geothermal energy production and hydropower generation also go hand in hand in satisfying the growing demand for electricity. All the natural resources are converted into ready to use forms of energy such as electricity, heat, and fuel, which are important for any thriving or growing economy (Ellaban, 2014). A lot of arguments exist for the reliability of the renewable source energy owing to their fluctuating nature in their raw status, and whether or not they can meet the often highlighted notion of cost-effectiveness. Additionally, a lot of doubt is often directed towards its sustainability of an entire economy despite the fact that its markets in electricity, heating, and transportation witnessed a tremendous growth over the last five years. First and foremost, it is important to highlight the basic benefits accrued from renewable energy production to the society at large. Besides the important task of reducing carbon emissions to the atmosphere, adoption of renewable energy sources serves to increase the number of people accessing energy products such as electricity. Solar energy, in particular, has achieved a lot in bringing electricity to the rural areas as evident in most developing countries around the world. Wind energy production also serves to meet the same purpose, and both have numerous economic benefits to a given society and the entire country in question. The installation of such plants, for instance, creates a source of employment to the local rural dwellers who in return gain a lot of knowledge to start smaller initiatives in solar or wind energy production in small scale. At the same level, the facilitation of increased energy supply to the local or rural areas also opens up the regions to new production methods which are energy-dependent and thus improving lives (Ellaban, 2014). However, the benefits above are not enough to warrant the case for a gradual but a complete shift to renewable energy. On a broader scale, though, it is important to highlight various parameters create the necessity for rapid employment of these sources for energy production. A comparative analysis of factors such as the price competitiveness, sustainability or long-term reliability, and security of the energy between the sources provide a more vivid picture. Fossil fuels not only pose a threat to the environment, but are also dangerous to those who operate the machinery of production. The cost of production of fossil fuels takes this aspect into consideration and thus playing into the fluctuating effect of their prices. Owing to the increasing rate of depletion of the energy source reserves, the producers of fossil energy often fluctuate the prices to meet the production cost and reimburse their research efforts on new mining opportunities in the developing world. Renewable energy is on an upward trajectory in regards to amount of investment made in the sector and its subsequent penetration in the market. The latter is responsible for the continuous price decrement over the years as witnessed in solar and wind power. The price of solar power, for instance, drastically reduced by approximately 80% over the past seven years while that of wind energy went down by 25% (Cedric, 2014). The reduction in prices is greatly accounted for by the significant strides being made in the technology involved in their production. The effect of advanced technology is bringing more certainty in the renewable energy market, which establishes it as a more recognized source of energy. As the market gains maturity, in retrospect the prices significantly go down. Fossil fuels enjoy a more mature market, but their prices are affected by external factors that make them unstable. Furthermore, acc...
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