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About Islam

Essay Instructions:
I have the sources and the extra helping information for the writer , I am going to attach them after submitting this order , and please let me know so quick if you guys find difficulties in opening the documents cause I use old version of word and such things.. in the attachment documents there are will be a word file for the instructions from the teacher and power point file such as a resource. The essay is going to be about Islam religion more than anything , plus I am a Muslim student and the only one in the class and the teacher expecting something too good from me regarding to my background and knowledge about this religion , so please , I want whoever gonna be writing my papers to have that knowledge and I can help if you have any specific questions about Islam religion , just contact me . Thanks very much
Essay Sample Content Preview:
ANTH-E 105-29538
December 9, 2011
About Islam
Perhaps one the most important concepts in any study of culture is the common-sensical but nonetheless highly disputed notion of diversity of cultures. A specific cultural form, such as religion, didn’t spring from a certain community like a pie in the sky or just a random whim by certain individuals. Islam, for instance, originated in Arabia as a complex reaction to other cultural forms, specifically animism and polytheism which are dominant beliefs during Mohammed’s time. Islam, being an organic and unique system of belief, is therefore an example of an authentic cultural form which is worthy of respect and recognition from other beliefs.
The Qur’an indeed commands the Muslims: “We believe in in God, and the revelation given to us, and Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes; and that which was given to Moses and Jesus, and that which was given to all prophets from their Lord. We make no discrimination between one and another of them, and we bow to God” (2:136, cf. 3:84; 4:163-165; 6:84-87). One of the important things about Islam is its acknowledgement of the spiritual merits of the prophets before Mohammed. Despite certain specific deviations in terms of belief with other religions (e.g Judaism, Christianity, etc), Islam recognizes the importance of the Judeo-Christian tradition in the voicing of God’s message prior to Mohammed’s revelation through the angel Gabriel. Indeed, it is quite objectionable to classify Islam as a monolithic religion, for it claims to have rediscovered the Will of God which ran through the historical veins through the earlier prophets in the Torah (The Old Testament). Islam literally means ‘submission to the Will of God’ in Arabic, and hence Islam isn’t inclined to repudiate and antagonize other religions, but only to live according to the principles of God’s Law. Henceforth, Islam is more of a way of life, an attitude towards God, His Law and His people (Abdalati 1975).
A true Muslim believes that every person born is a Muslim (It is necessary to point out the stark difference between the popular category ‘Mohammedan’ to ‘Muslim’, as the term ‘Mohammedan’ denotes that Muslims are worshippers of Mohammed, which is not, while maintaining a high level of respect for the prophet). To establish this is not to say that every person born, may it be of pagan or atheistic context, are believers of the Islam religion, but to establish the fact that the lives of every born individuals are enmeshed in God’s master plan and are all set to the realization of His plans. Every individual has their journey towards submission to the Will of God. This makes Islam a Universal religion, transcending race, nationalities or economic class.
An important aspect of Islam is its focus on creating the community (or ummah). According to the Qur’an, “Let there be a community among you, advocating what is good, demanding what is right, and eradicating what is wrong. These are indeed the successful” (3:104). Islam gives emphasis to the strengthening of solidarity and collective consciousness among its followers, whi...
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