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Reflective Essay on my EN101 class

Essay Instructions:
Self-Reflection..... The Assignment. Please answer the following in a well-structured, four-paragraph essay. How has your writing improved during this course? Here's a suggested outline for your essay: 1. Introduction a. Hook the reader's interest. b. Explain some of the challenges you faced in this class. c. Write a thesis statement that states your work has improved, followed by two ways that prove it. i. Example: My writing improved a great deal during this course, because I learned to use a strong essay structure, and to revise my work for grammar and punctuation.. 2. Body Paragraph 1 a. Topic Sentence on Cause #1 b. Evidence from experience and essays c. Analysis of evidence d. Link to Cause #2 3. Body Paragraph 2 a. Topic Sentence on Cause #2 b. Evidence from experience and essays c. Analysis of evidence d. Link to Conclusion 4. Conclusion a. Use your body paragraphs to support the opinion stated in your thesis. b. Explain to the reader why these skills are important. c. Explain how you will use these skills in the future.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Course number Instructor’s name Date Reflective Essay on my EN101 class When I began this class, my writing skills were below average as indicated by the poor grades I got on my written intensive assignments and even in other courses. One of my greatest challenges included writing good thesis statements and backing them throughout the essay. Another big challenge was in writing well-organized paragraphs with transition words. I also had a problem with proper referencing particularly in the MLA format. As the semester progressed, this class has helped me to organize my thoughts better and write more precisely. It has also been very helpful in directing me to incorporate the rules of writing, particularly in proper citation and developing thesis statements. I have learnt how to be more precise when writing. Writing effectively involves structuring sentences accurately while using proper vocabulary. To accomplish this, I organize my thoughts in a flowing manner that makes it easy for the reader to understand and follow my thought lines. I plan my essays by first jotting down the ideas that I seek to put across in the essay. I then utilize different types of sentences such as, complex, compound and simple sentences. This way the essay has variation that makes it interesting. I also make sure that the sentences are devoid of run-ons and that I use the cohesion element to link the sentences to the thesis statement. This ensures that the information flows in a logical way. This is whereby the information in the sentences about the first idea is built upon by the information containe...
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