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Reflection on the Reading about A Colony in a Nation by Chris Hayes

Essay Instructions:

This week we continue reading A Colony in a Nation by Chris Hayes
Part III & IV
Reflection paper on reading and video 800-1200 words
Learning Objectives:
1) Failure to Comply
2) Government Pirates
3) Militarizing the Police
4) Gun Control
5) White Fear
6) Black Lives Matter movement

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 10 Reflection
The readings of week ten have continued to provide remarkable insights concerning various aspects of the police. One of the greatest insights that were provided by the readings concerns the failure to comply. It is expected that every American citizen should abide by the rules and regulations as set by the constitution. The police are entrusted with the duty to maintain law and order. They are also tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that every citizen is complying with the laws of the land and that those who are not being charged in a court of law. Despite these responsibilities, the police are not above the law. They should also comply with the rule of law. It is saddening that there are numerous cases where the police abuse their power to the detriment of citizens. For instance, Chris records a case where a policeman gunned down a 12-year-old boy named Rice. The boy was shot on the suspicion that he was about to shoot a police officer. These events happened despite Rice only having a pellet gun (Ferrise & MacDonald). One would have expected that the police officer who perpetrated the act would be charged with negligence. However, the responsible agencies found the officer innocent. They concluded that it was a mistake, yet an allowable one, considering the stressful nature the police must have been working under. It is so saddening that such cases are rampant and the police go unpunished.
The other great insight learned from week 10’s reading concerns the government pirates. In the 21st century, one would expect that the police would only use concrete evidence to arrive at justifiable solutions. However, this reality is yet to be realized. Evidence reveals that there are so many people whose properties have been seized by the police despite having not been charged with a crime. A classic example is provided in the civil forfeiture video, where the presenter notes that a young man was arrested for having a large amount of cash in his car (LastWeekTonight). While the man was transporting the money for the purposes of legal business, the police accused him of having the intent to buy drugs with the money. It is bizarre and bewildering that the police would rush to such a conclusion without carrying out proper investigations. Every American citizen has the right to property as long as the property was acquired legally and is being used for legitimate purposes. The issue of government pirates is alarming, and something must be done to alleviate this ill.
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