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Public Bathrooms and the Interaction Order

Essay Instructions:

Spencer Cahill's 'Meanwhile backstage: Public bathrooms and the interaction order' is something of a contemporary classic - you probably found it both kind of funny (for an academic reading, at least!) and also, kind of familiar - there seem to be certain common rituals found in the landscape of public bathrooms. The norms upheld in this private yet public setting assert more fully how loyal members of a society are to the behavioural guidelines we share and the meanings people attribute to them. Do you recognize some of the behaviours the authors describe? Have you ever wondered why you do these things? How is the social order maintained by acting in these ways?

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Weekly Readings
Some Behaviors the Author Describes
Behavior during defecation
I am familiar with some of the behaviors that the author describes. Notably, I have always yearned for privacy during defecation. In addition, I usually feel insecure if someone is standing outside the stall. In this case, insecurity results from a possible intrusion from other people (Cahill et al. 39). At the same time, I get anxious when someone knocks at the door. Usually, these people apologize generally after responding that I have occupied the stall. I believe these people apologize because of interfering with my privacy. After getting out of the stall, I usually feel ashamed. Occasionally, the other people who knock on the door are typically remorseful for intrusion. Therefore, people behave generally differently during defection and when in public.
I prefer an enclosed washroom to an open one due to its higher privacy. After securing one of the stalls, I usually feel temporary ownership. In this case, I typically have unlimited freedom to use the stall. However, when someone is inside the stall before me, I usually respect their space as if it were their property. Therefore, I always apologize when I knock and discover someone is inside. Undoubtedly, the behavior inside the washroom differs from that of the public because people aim to maintain a good reputation (Cahill et al. 45). Therefore, if people violate this privacy, their reputation is violated. In brief, defecation extracts an individual's natural behaviors from their actions during performance and reaction during an intrusion.
Interpersonal Rituals
Negative interpersonal ritual
In most cases, individuals demand to be alone to perform activities that they consider secret and sacred. I have...
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