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Lifting the Ban on Refugees Research Assignment Paper

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a 4 pages persuasive essay with an extra outline, any topic.

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Lifting the Ban on Refugees
One of the most contested debate in the last two weeks has been the executive order that was issued the president of the united states, President Donald Trump. While it is a temporary ban on the immigrants coming from a select seven countries, the political, social, cultural and economic implications are quite significant (Studebaker, Benjamin). There is need to consider the choice of helping the refugees find a safe place to start their lives afresh. Immigrants from countries such as Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Yemen and Somalia, are not allowed to set foot in the united states, as they are banned for the time being.
There have been a number of concerns which are surrounding the element of banning the refugees from coming in to the united states. the most significant are associated with the terror threat that the refugees are expected to bring with them (Bier, David). In some of the propaganda messages that the ISIS has sent out since the refugee crisis started, is they will hide some of the terror agents among the refugees. This is has led to worldwide concern, where most of the people fear for their safety. Ideally, most of the people believe the terrorists have the ability to hide their agents among the refugees coming in from these specific countries. While there is, a significant concern associated with the same, it is also crucial to consider that refugees are not likely to sympathize with the terror groups chasing them from their homes. History also dictates, refugees are less likely to engage in terror attacks compared to the natives. Most of the cases where terror attacks have taken place, they are rarely associated with immigrants, essentially, they are associated with the natives (Bier, David).
The refugee crisis is also a humanitarian crisis. Millions of people have lost their lives and millions continue to lose their livelihood as their countries crumble under the terror regimes. It is important as a country to consider the humanitarian approach on the situation the refugees are facing. Today, most of the social structures that existed in these war-torn nations, do not exist anymore (Studebaker, Benjamin). Parents are constantly struggling to keep their families safe and feed them. Some of the families are forced onto the streets as their homes are wrecked and loved ones murdered mercilessly on the streets. It is important that the united states consider the amount of danger these families face under the totalitarian regimes. As such, helping the refugees find a place where they are safe as they try to rebuild their shuttered lives, is the most humane way to assist them instead of shutting them out. By banning them from coming to the united states the country is simply abandoning and in some of the cases sentencing them to death.
Much of the debate has also taken the turn on the Muslim community and associating the terrorist activities that are taking part in most parts of the Muslim world (Beauchamp, Zack). By extension much of the attacks that have been targeted at the west and the rest of the world, have been closely associated with Muslim caliphates. This is an aspect that is highly misguided and is mostly fueled by the propaganda milled by the terror groups (Bier, David). In truth, the highest majority of the victims to the terror regimes are the Muslims living in these countries. This is contrary to the idea that the other religions are the most affected by the religion-motivated hate crimes (Beauchamp, Zack). It is the Muslims living in t...
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