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Personal Analysis on Social Contract Theory and Abortion

Essay Instructions:

consider the ethical question that is central to your Personal Essay Topic. On social contract theory, what would be the right answer to your question? Why? (75%) Do you agree with the reasoning SCT uses in regard to your personal Essay Topic? If not, Why? If instead you agree, explain why someone might claim that your Personal Essay Topic should not be analyzed in contractual terms and explain why you are not persuaded that criticism.

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Personal Analysis on Social Contract Theory and Abortion
social contract theory (SCT) focuses on the relationship between personal political obligations or morals and their dependence contractually as entails their livelihood in the society in which they dwell in. The theory has its basis in the kind of societal agreements amongst society members since there is autonomy in decisions made by each member of a given society. Despite the fact that everyone has natural freedom, expectations are that they could cede some of these freedoms in order to qualify for certain fortification. This is a statement that has been reinforced in some quarters by some scholars in philosophy who argue that too much personal freedom, could infringe on the rights and freedoms of other people living in that particular society. The SCT therefore, offers encouragement to people to live in a community whereby, they will have to shed off some of their freedoms in exchange for the community’s protection, in this case, the government which is sovereign. This paper, therefore, seeks to analyse the role that SCT plays in a societal issue, precisely abortion and also offer clarity on the views of different people regarding their dissatisfaction with the application of the theory.
SCT is justifiable in the case of abortion in society. The jurisprudence that surrounds the matter is limited to some factors that ought to be considered before it is done. This puts a check to the disappointment of some people in the community, if the abortion is not justified because of irresponsible behaviour. This theory seeks to bring order and sanity in the community in which people live in. There should be an agreement between the state/government and its people on matters related to abortion, otherwise it will be quite difficult to control the repercussions that come with it.
SCT supports abortion in case the mother of the unborn foetus is facing some medical problems that warrant the exercise for her to survive. Many problems of this nature have been reported and as such women have a right to make a decision regarding their well-being in a medical sense. Abortion is also justified in the cases in which rape was the source of the pregnancy. This is so because the unborn foetus will serve as a constant reminder of the action which deprived the woman of her sole dignity, if at all the foetus will be born. This theory will work well in such an instance since it is what the society can freely advocate for. Other cases include teenage pregnancy, a case in which parenting will become a ma...
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