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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Our World, Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow

Essay Instructions:

1. A summary of the event. Who was the speaker? What was the topic?

2. An evaluation. What did the speaker or speakers do well? What could he, she,

or they have done better?

3. Self-examination. What did you learn from this event? How might you apply

that knowledge to your life? What would you like to know more about?

Write three paragraphs,

The speaker is Dr Isaiah. Parnell. The source is GPC NEWTON SYMPOSIUM FALL 2015 

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Our world, yesterday, today and tomorrow
The Georgia Perimeter Newton campus held a four-day symposium entitled “Looking Behind, Marching forward” on 2nd – 5th November 2015. This event featured talks about poetry, media trends, public policy, presidential politics, and interactive workshops. All programs were open and free to the public and were held in the auditorium. The topic “our world, yesterday, and tomorrow” was featured and hosted by Dr. Isaiah Parnell. The topic was enriching because it enlightened the audience about their democratic values, freedom to association, voting right and the right to be heard, and, therefore, the audience was enlightened about their privilege to create a difference in the future of their nation. With the emerging the 2016 presidential election, the speaker (Dr. Isaiah Parnell) encouraged the audience to pay attention and become enlightened about policies from all candidates. The speaker urged audience that they have a responsibility to take part by listening the candidates’ plans to improve both domestic and foreign policies to transform the country toward a better tomorrow. The speaker explained that whereas there is much to rejoice about the state of the country and the world, there is much that is still needed to be improved.
Dr. Isaiah Parnell was able to convey the topic authoritatively to the audience. The speech was informative and persuasive. His speech focused on encouraging the audience to play attention to what the candidates are saying about domestic and foreign policies and how such policies will bring positive change and improve the country and the world of tomorrow. The speaker covered diverse issues in the topic. For example, he talked about how the fractured domestic policies threaten citizens at home and international communities also suffer the same fate. The foreign policies have created more enemies to the nation than friends. The speaker justified that today; the nation is not a revered ...
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