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Strategic Philanthropy and Nonprofit Management

Essay Instructions:
Strategic Philanthropy and Nonprofit Management INSTRUCTIONS Your document should be written in Times New Roman, 12 point, 1.5 line spacing. PROMPT Over the course of the semester, we have discussed a wide range of behaviors and practices that nonprofit organizations can engage in to achieve relevance, impact, sustainability, and excellence in management and operations. What do you feel are the four most important behaviors or practices that we should be looking for when selecting the 2012 grant recipients (Nonprofits in Boston area)? Clearly define and justify your selection of each behavior or practice, explaining what it looks like when done well, how an organization and/or its target population benefit as a result, and why it matters to you as a donor. Your recommendations should apply to any potential applicant. For example, while protecting the identity of intimate partner violence survivors is an important practice for organizations dealing with that issue, it is not relevant to all potential applicants and should not be used for this exam. Your discussion of each behavior or practice will be worth 25% of the total grade, distributed as follows: 2 points selection of a meaningful behavior or practice 6 points explanation of behavior or practice 8 points explanation of how it benefits an organization and/or its target population 6 points explanation of why it matters to you as a donor 3 points writing: spelling, grammar, style, etc. TOTAL: 25 points per behavior or practice
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Strategic Philanthropy and Nonprofit Management
Every year, more the $200 billion charity donations are distributed to nonprofit making companies in the USA. The nonprofit making organizations have made an impact in the community by offering a helping hand. They generate their income mainly from fundraisings, investment and government grants. Although they tackle some of the challenging issues in the society, there lacks a mechanism to determine whether the funds are given to the chief performers. Donors frequently lack the information on social issues as well as how to address them. They also lack the information to guide them on the best organization to award their donation. This paper will focus on determining four major practices and behaviors that a donor should consider before making their donation. These include ethics, transparency, sustainability and accountability.
It is vital to consider the transparency of the nonprofit making organization before making a donation to the company. The nonprofit making organization is run by a board of governors. The chairman of the board is responsible for facilitating the activities of the board as well as implementing the recommendations of the board. The nonprofit making organization sells their products to the general public. They address the various issues in the public including poverty, disaster victims as well other issues affecting the community. These organizations offer these services for free through funding from the donors. It is thus paramount for organizations to carry out their activities in a transparent way.
Transparency is a term in business that refers to operating in such a way that the actions of the firm are seen by the public. It implies that the company carries out its activity in the open and in constant communication with the public. The company`s activities are contained in the mission and vision oriented programs of the organization. Transparency in a nonprofit making organization involves demonstrating clearly where the grants are distributed and the overall cost of running the organization. It implies that the programs and operation of the nonprofit making organizations are accessible for inspection and scrutiny.
This is a very important practice for every nonprofit making organization. It helps the organization to win the trust of the donors as they are well aware how their money is used. It also encourages potential donors to invest in a performing organization. Transparency is also important in that it highlights the governance, programs and financial activities of the organization. This shows responsibility of the firm not only to the donors but also the public and their staff members.
There are various ways that a profit organization may demonstrate accountability. These include open demonstration of governance, programs and financial activities of the organization. The organization should prepare the financial records while following the IRS standards. The organization should also obtain a third party audit of the financial statements so as to enhance that credibility of the financial reports. These financial reports should be accessible for scrutiny by the public as well as the stakeholders.
The organization should also provide information about the members of the board. The board has the mandate to make and implement policies as well the mission and vision of the organization. The firm should provide brief information about the members of the board. This information should also be accessible to all the stakeholders. The organization should make efforts to make constant updates on the financial records and governance reports.
The culture of transparency provides benefits to the organization, the public and the stakeholders. It is a form of a social contract between the firm and the stakeholder. Transparency forms the foundation of the relationship between the stakeholders, the public and the organization. It also enables the donors to make decisions when identifying legitimate nonprofit organization.
A research in 2010, reported that 80% of the nonprofit organization funding is obtained from fundraisings. These funds are mainly obtained from donors as well as the government. Transparency helps the organization to establish a good relationship with donors and the government. This means that they will have access to financial resources for their activities. It also helps them attract potential donors and volunteers to their programs. The target community also benefits from transparency as the nonprofit organization has to achieve their goals and objectives.
The second practice to consider before offering grant to a nonprofit making organization is their code of ethics. The ethical tone of an organization is set up by the leaders of the nonprofit making organization. As stated earlier on, the nonprofit making organization is managed by a board of directors who are referred to as trustees. A code of ethics is a set of values that guide the board members and employees on dealing with various issues. The main purpose of the ethics code is to provide with a guideline to enable them to make ethical choices while carrying out their duties.
It is vital for every nonprofit making organization to develop a code of ethics. The success of this company solely relies on their ability to develop a strong relationship with its stakeholders. It also dictates how the organization carries out their activities concerning various issues of the society. Some of the nonprofit making firms deal with very sensitive issues in society. It is thus paramount for the organization to follow a code of ethics when handling such issues. The code of ethics also provides guidance on suitable conduct of trustees as well as the firm`s employees.
The trustees should develop a code of ethics to be followed by the organization. This should be published and displayed on various areas in the firm. The code of ethics should be relevant and related to the organization`s mission statement. The board of directors should follow the code of ethics whenever they are handling various issues of the firm. These principles are an indication of the trustee`s commitment to the organization`s mission statement.
The nonprofit making organizations are established so as to benefit the public. Following the code of ethics is a symbol of commitment by the board of directors to the mission state. This thus forms a strong foundation of trust between the firm and the public. Ethical leadership will help enhance the relationship. The organization greatly benefits from this trust relationship. This is because the public is ready to benefit from the services offered by the organizations. Volunteers on the other hand, are willing to invest their time and services to such organizations. The code of ethics benefits the target society in that it assures them of quality and consistent services from the nonprofit organization.
The development of an effective code of ethics is important to the donors. Donors are willing to invest their donation in a firm that displays an effective code of ethics. This is because they...
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