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Millennials and Activism

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This is an analytical essay, the goal is to interpret and analyze the author’s ideas and other societal perspectives.

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Millennials and Activism
The younger generation, popularly known as generation Z or the millennials, is increasingly getting involved in activism. They do not just want to watch from the periphery; they want to be actively involved in confronting what they view as oppressive. This savory inclination was a source of profound inspiration to the author in the last days and hours of his life (Lewis par.1). According to the author, this generation is using its power to institute change in society, thereby promising a whole new chapter in the American story. The generation is more open-minded and enlightened, which makes it easier for them to actively engage in advocating for equitable treatment of all people (Annie E. Casey Foundation par.1). They understand that being in a democratic dispensation means saying and doing something when things seem not to be moving in the right direction. Some aspects that inspire this generation to be more politically and socially involved are ethnic diversity, civic engagement, economic security, and the environment.
Generation Z is cognizant of the importance of having a united nation, just as they are aware of the pitfalls of being divided. In this regard, members of this generation are extremely and consciously aware of the glaring racial divisions. As such, they have resolved to do something to correct this social anomaly by supporting movements that advocate against racism and police brutality, such as the Black Lives Matter movement. In addition, the likelihood of this generation embracing interracial marriages has been significantly scaled up (Annie E. Casey Foundation par.22). This is because they want everyone, regardless of racial background, to have a sense of belonging. In the same vein, they have held protests in instances where the police are perceived to have used undue force against people of color. They feel morally obligated to do so, and the ease in mobilization facilitated by technology, especially social media, has bolstered their cause. The efforts of this generation to nurture racial diversity have not been in vain; on the contrary, it has had results of unprecedented proportions. In this respect, a classic example is Barrack Obama's election as the first black president of the U.S. Generation Z used the most powerful nonviolent weapon, the vote, to actualize what many thought was just a pipe dream and unrealistic.
The other factor that has influenced generation Z to become more involved in social matters is civic justice. In this respect, the generation engages more zestfully in advocating for social change by pointing out civil injustices perpetrated by the government. This is a generation that does not shy away from sanctioning the powers that be when such a need arises. They feel it is incumbent upon themselves to critic the government to ensure that all social injustices are conclusively dealt with. They, for instance, pile pressure on the government to guarantee security for everyone. When they feel that the government has not adequately addressed pertinent issues, they again use the most nonviolent tool to protest through the vote. That they fully understand the power of the vote was made manifest when about 55% of eligible young voters cast their votes in 2020 (Annie E. Casey Foundation). Additionally, the vibrant technological advancement that has been achieved in recent times has helped generation Z to become more actively involved in political and social matters. They liberally use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to advance their activism. Also, when they feel there is a need to hold marches to protest against certain oppression, they use the same platforms to mobilize. More often than not, the success rate is overwhelmin...
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