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What is Latinx Studies and how is it relevant to your conception of the world

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The prompt is: What is Latinx Studies and how is it relevant to your conception of the world.

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What are latinx studies and how is it relevant to your conception of the world
Latinx is a term that is embraced and ridiculed by the Latinos. It is a term that ignites a conversation on gender, identity, and privileges. Latinx is a word that is used by the Hispanic for the Latinos. It is a neutral gender term for the people of Latin American Heritage. The term also encompasses the identity of people who are outside the gender binary like the transgender people. The term also fits in the wider history of the United States and it is used to describe their identity. Therefore Latinx studies are used to examine the history, political issues, culture and the experiences of the Hispanic people (Maldonado-Torres, Ramon, & Jose, Pg 34). These studies draw various disciplines like gender studies, political science, sociology, history, religious studies, and literature.
Latino studies is a space whereby diverse experiences, identities, and power dynamics can be accounted for more easily when it comes to the construction of social imaginary that comprises of old nationality based conflicts. When these dynamics and approaches are evaluated people are able to produce tinged knowledge beyond other comparative studies. Latino studies are important in the study of demographics of the country (Aparicio, Pg 39). This is because the studies have asserted that demographic changes require the establishment of new policies and programs in areas and new communities where Latinos are establishing. For example, the Southeast has a lot of challenges in terms of accommodating the Latino community because of their race, culture, and language. Latinx studies have also enhanced discussions on the internal diversity and power disparities among the national groups. For example, if the hybridity of a young Latino who constitute two national groups is increased, then these individuals are forced to transform their existing paradigm. A language is also a form of inequality that is evident when it comes to the distribution of capital in the market. Despite the introduction of Linguistic capitalism, everyone speaks a different language in the United States.
Latino studies are used to examine all the factors that affect the lives of Latinos in the United States. Latino studies have enabled me to respond to all the historical shifts witnessed by various communities like racism, border crossing, subordination, and colonialism, stereotypes, gender identity, and sexuality (Aparicio, Pg 40). Latinx studies have assisted me to understand what domestic transnationalism is. This term is used to refer to hy...
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