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J 396 Assignment: International Communication (Fall 2017)

Essay Instructions:

J 396: International Communication (Fall 2017)
Guideline for Research Paper                                                 
You will compare and contrast two countries from two different world regions (i.e. Mexico and China, or India and Nigeria etc, with the exception of the North America – the USA & Canada), focusing on one of their media industries (i.e. newspapers, radio, television, film, or music) (1500 words). Narrow down your topic and focus on AT LEAST one aspect of each media industry for your discussion. You could discuss diverse aspects of media industry including: regulation, history, industrial practices (production, distribution etc.), technological development, political economy, genres of content, and reception etc. 
Do some research on your topic. Both online and offline resources can be used for the paper. In case of online resources, try to use trustworthy and legitimate academic resources such as online academic publications, data published by public institutions, newspapers, magazines and e-books etc. (I strongly discourage you to cite Wikipedia, and personal blog entries (other than by professionals and scholars) unless they are relevant to your topic.) The narrative of your paper should be comparative (you compare how same media industry in two different countries share similarities as well as show differences across various aspects) and analytical (you should make your own critical comments and assessments of what you find from your research.)
Make sure to elaborate your main thesis in the introduction and support it with your findings in the body. 
Pick up the specific title that articulates your topic and focus clearly. 
You could refer to any reading materials assigned in the class as long as they are relevant to your discussion. 
Your paper is expected to follow academic standards in regards to integrity, citation, and format.
1) Papers must be typed, proofread, double-spaced and include page numbers (in addition, 12 font size is recommended). Please place your name and student ID on the first page.
2) In case you use any references, you must cite your sources and include a bibliography. All quotations and citations from reading materials, as well as online resources, should be properly made following an academic citation format (MLA, Chicago, ASA etc.). 
3) Submit an electronic copy of your paper on CANVAS (Go to ‘Assignments’ folder -> Research Paper - > ‘submit assignment’) as well as the hard copy to GE

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Music in Nigeria and India
The media industry of any country is relevant in uncovering education or facts, promoting and disseminating information within the country and other parts of the globe linked to the country. Particularly, music is an essential media industry which helps to convey necessary information and entertain its audience. Each country has music that is unique given its environment and happenings within the community. However, music in different countries can also be similar due to aspects such as influences from similar parts of the globe and similarities in music performances. For instance; music in Nigeria and that in India portrays similarities as well as differences despite the two countries belonging to different continents. This paper provides a comparison between similarities and differences in Nigerian and Indian music and an ultimate analysis of factors involved.
There is little knowledge regarding music in Nigeria prior to European contact whereas there exists more knowledge relating to music in India. Research indicates that the availability of more information regarding music in Nigeria began after 1920. As such, there are only few bronze carvings dating to the 16th century which indicates the existence of musicians and the instruments that may have been used (Okafor, 17). On the other hand, India portrays a rich music culture even before 1920. This is evidenced by the recovery of musical instruments such as the seven-holed flute in Indian archaeological sites. Moreover, the survival of written works from the Indian classical period and the existence of liturgical music prove this. This difference in availability of historical music information could be as a result of differences in record keeping. Evidently, the extensive details regarding music industry in India may have been well preserved for the current and future generations. Contrary, Nigeria may have had fewer alternatives of preserving their music culture given the scarcity of relevant information available. In recent times, the music information regarding both countries is adequately available in sources such as books. This music is also made available to people globally through media channels such as television, social media, and radios.
Both countries have traditional and modern music. The modern music in both is influenced by other regions particularly the Western world. Nigeria’s earliest styles of popular music were highlife, apala, and palm-wine music. This kind of music was influenced by the Nigerian society and its environs such as Ghana and Liberia. Since the 1960’s, more music has been incorporated into the existing genres. For instance; Juju music, Nigeria reggae, and Yo-pop styles were incorporated by the 1980’s. Also, Nigerian music, popularly known as Naija music, has largely influenced the development of music in West Africa. This is one of the reasons why the country is regarded as “the heart of African music”. On the other hand, India’s music is also influenced by the society and the family systems. The country holds an 8-week musical festival in December, which is the largest one in the world (Shope, et al. 9). The influence of Indian music has largely impacted the development of music in South Asia. Currently, the music of the two countries consists of a variety of genres. These genres in Nigeria include; AfroBeat, AfroPop, Nigerian Hip-Hop, Nigerian Gospel, R&B, and Highlife (Madichie & Madichie, 117). Music genres in India can be categorized into; Folk music, popular music, Hindustani, Carnatic, Jazz and Blues, Western Classical, and Indian classical music. Each of these genres has numerous forms which reflect the different regions of the country. Both popular music and traditional music have remained widespread in the two countries.
Both countries have a diverse collection of Folk Music that is deeply influenced by the different ethnic groups in the relevant country. India has a diverse cultural collection of Folk Music whereby each region in the country has its unique music collection. There are over 2000 ethnic groups in the country meaning that Folk Music has an almost equal number of varieties. The music is not taught like other types of music such as Indian classical music. As such, individuals have to learn it on their own when listening to it. Music practitioners of this kind of music also have to engage with other professionals of their choice. The Folk Music in Nigeria has also been influenced by the presence of more than 250 ethnic groups since historical times. Accordingly, the largest ethnic groups such as; Igbo, Hausa, Fulani, and Yoruba, have the most influence on Folk Music. The country’s population enjoys this kind of traditional music and plays it for their personal amusement. However, the relevant music practitioners can engage in this music as a source of livelihood unlike in India. Additionally, Folk Music in both countries is not separable from community functions and rituals such as weddings. It is also accompanied by both mo...
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