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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Current Events

Essay Instructions:

• Paper Format

o 4-5 pages

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 ONE “Enter” space between paragraphs with indentation indicating new paragraphs

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o A Work Cited/Bibliography page citing sources correctly in MLA Format

Identify the author’s main idea,

Review and analyze the author’s (authors’) argument(s) and premises, and

Explain why you agree or disagree and defend your own position.

Be sure to provide plenty of detail and examples supportive of your argument.

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Current Events


Embarking on a journey through the tangled web of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one encounters a landscape rife with historical complexities, emotional narratives, and deeply entrenched political stances. More than a territorial dispute, this conflict weaves a tapestry rich in national identity, security concerns, and the quest for human rights. Within this intricate tapestry lies a fundamental, yet often overlooked, question: How do national security measures intertwine with and sometimes impede the principles of rights and justice for those embroiled in the conflict?

Enter the perspective of Marwan Bishara with his thought-provoking piece, "Rethinking Palestine-Israel: Hegemonic security vs true justice," published by Al Jazeera on October 18, 2023. Bishara navigates this complex terrain, proposing a thesis challenging the status quo. He argues that the Israeli approach to security, both historically and in contemporary times, has been at a considerable cost to Palestinian rights, culminating in an array of humanitarian crises. This stance not only shines a spotlight on the often-overlooked human dimension of the conflict but also brings into sharp relief specific harrowing events, like the Israeli bombing of the Baptist hospital in Gaza. In this paper, we align with Bishara’s call for a recalibration of the Israeli-Palestinian discourse, advocating for an approach where the pursuit of national security does not overshadow justice and human rights but instead walks hand-in-hand toward the path of resolution.

Summary of the Article

Marwan Bishara’s “Rethinking Palestine-Israel: Hegemonic security vs true justice” 

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