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Social Sciences
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The Influence of Popular Culture on Law

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate (1) your comprehension in understanding the law (or an issue related to an aspect of the law) and (2) your ability to critically assess it via a theoretical/secondary lens. You must go beyond providing your opinion and observations. You need a core thesis/argument. In analyzing a key issue (as it intersects with law), and in supporting your thesis/argument about such an issue, you should consider the theoretical foundations we’ve explored (or others outside of the syllabus that you wish to cite). Consider the implications of the reading/legal issue in terms of gender/sexuality/class, etc., and how the law codify matters of gender/sexuality/class, etc.

Specific instructions:

- Submit as a Word Document ONLY under “Assignments on OWL.”

- Follow MLA guidelines: MLA Formatting and Style Guide - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University

- You must have an introduction with a thesis; body paragraphs with your analysis of an example/examples (you must consider implications) in support of your thesis; and a conclusion.

- For creative pieces: you must follow the word count; explain your creative choices; treat your creative piece as an example that you analyze in support of your thesis/argument; explain your colour choices, scales, etc.,; explain what the key message is (which will lend nicely to your thesis); utilize a key idea from the readings in your write-up; ensure you follow the checklist and instructions below (grammar, MLA, etc.).

- ChatGPT: Please note that AI generated papers are discernible: if one was found analysis #1, it’s been flagged. As per the syllabus, AI generated papers are considered “cheating”. If an analysis is suspected of relying on ChatGPT and its various analogues, you will be asked to show your rough work, to answer questions about your sources and your research process, and to explain your argument orally. This information can be found on the syllabus.

Sample Topics: These are merely broad topics. Your analysis must address a specific thesis/argument and concrete and specific examples.

- For any topic you decide to explore (below are merely examples), ensure you’re supporting your thesis/argument with concrete examples and with assigned or supplementary readings on the syllabus. Place your thesis/argument and examples in direct conversation with the readings.

1. A close analysis of a key scene, character, or other critical element from one of the documentaries or television episode on the syllabus/screened in class.

2. A close analysis of a key issue (such as language, wording, the judicial body, etc.) from a case on the syllabus.

3. An analysis of Indigenous women participation (or lack thereof) in Canadian law or/and in negotiations concerning the Canadian government on matters pertaining to extractivist practices.

4. An analysis of a key international legal treaty that Canada has ratified.

5. Other ideas: examining a key scene or character from a film, a television series, or any other appropriate popular culture text in support of an argument about the representation of a particular legal issue (and its intersection with gender/sex, race, class, and so on). Ensure, as noted, you’re doing so with the utilization of at least one key reading from the syllabus.

-------- I will be attaching the relevant lectures from the syllabus that talk about women in law, theres a netflix series that we watched the first episode of: 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo' and I feel like its the easiest thing to write about, I'll also provide couple readings that you can utilize, but feel free to let me know if you'd like to work on a different topic from the 5 previous choices and i'll provide content. ----------

Questions when marking:

- Does the analysis cite a specific and relevant issue?

- Does the analysis take the form of well-composed paragraphs with logically arranged

sentences that are grammatically and mechanically correct?

- Does the analysis have a unifying thesis and argumentative topic sentences?

- Does the analysis make several compelling, well-supported and relevant points to support that central thesis?

Ensure you have:

1. Topic Sentence / Thesis

- A focused statement that gives your response a direction and organization.

- Ideally you will also underline the stakes of you argument or main claim: why is your thesis important? Why is your argument important? What does this add to our analysis of gender, sexuality, race, etc., and law?

2. Contextualization

- 1-2 sentences that situate us in relation to the issue and frame the textual evidence that anchors the response using some feminist or other theory.

- Utilize class readings.

3. Evidence

- An anchoring quotation/close reading of language, word choice, decisions, etc.

4. Explanation/Interpretation

- A sentence or two interpreted the evidence, pointing towards important/relevant genderrace-class-etc.-based dimensions.

5. Connecting/Concluding Sentence

- Spelling out the connection between evidence/excerpt/ issue and topic or/and thesis.

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The Influence of Popular Culture on Law

In earlier days, cinema served to entertain audiences. However, as the movie industry evolved, it became important for films to go beyond offering entertaining content, to providing their audience with information. One of the areas movies have evolved to represent is the legal field. Since movies fuel popular culture, they help bring to attention an issue that needs a closer look. One of the outstanding films “Extraordinary Attorney Woo,” brings to attention the intersectionality between popular culture and law, showing how the former influences the latter.

Indeed, popular culture acts as a tool for social change. The potency of popular culture lies in its ability to mirror and influence societal values and beliefs. It serves as a reflection of the collective consciousness and offers a shared experience that goes beyond borders and demographics. Popular culture is critical

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