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Immigrants faced hardships

Essay Instructions:
Chinese, Irish, Japanese and Jewish Immigrants faced hardships due to discriminatory public policies and social attitudes in the United States. Each group has achieved increased status socially and politically in the United States. Pick two of the four groups listed above and compare the early immigrant struggles and eventual rise in social and political power or status in the United States. Special emphasis should be placed on differences in the struggles and subsequent differences in approaches to overcome those social and political obstacles. 3-4 pages; MLA Format; 6-8 footnote references minimum from textbook textbook: Takaki, Ronald, (2008). A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. . New York: Little, Brown and Company
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Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Immigration hardships Introduction The United States of American has always been considered as one of the most favorable melting point for the immigrants that are escaping the problems in their motherlands. For the immigrants, America is the land of opportunity and they feel that they have a better chance of life than anywhere else in the globe. Although that may be true to some extent, there are intrinsic records of discrimination that have been cited throughout history (Takaki, 29). Most of the immigrants have also had o deal with some form of discrimination. In some of the cases other than the social attitudes in the society, the immigrants have had to deal with public policies that inhibit their chances to thrive in America. The Jews and the Irish communities are some of the immigrants that have come to America in such of better opportunities and have been met with rejection and discrimination. However, they have all risen through the discriminations struggle and made it to positions of power and influence. The struggles of the Jews and Irish immigrant in America Majority of the Jews that settled in America in parts of New York came from Europe in the late 18th century and the early 19th century during the First World War. Most parts of Europe among Germany and England had developed strong anti-Semitic opinions and were now discriminating the Jews, with some even killing them by the thousands (Takaki, 21). Adolf Hitler is historically acclaimed to have brought dismay to the Jewish community by instigating pogrom, leading them to flee their home country. When the Jews came to America in they were branded as non-Anglo and at the same time non-white. The discrimination of the Jews in America started with the first immigration of the Eastern Europeans, driving the anti-Semitism notion in the American community. In the 1880s the resorts and clubs that used to welcome the Jews in their presence now barred them from accessing their services. Through the European influence on the American people, the Jews were faced with stereotyping. Most of theme would be referred to as greedy, parasitic, clannish, physically inferior and vulgar. The Irish community that came into America originated from Ireland, where they had been previously settled by the British and developed various skills in farming. The Irish are predominantly catholic and this prompted their exist from Ireland. Having been a minority in Europe, the majority religion ruled over them and wanted to convert most of them to Protestants. During of the most devastating famines that ever took place in Europe, the greater majority understood that the gods were punishing them as they Irish had refused to convert to Protestants (Takaki, 22). Like the Jews, the Irish were discriminated against on the basis of their religious background. Most of the immigrants from the Irish decent wee poor and majority of the time had to work for low wages, and aspects that got hem discriminated even further; sometimes even lynched. In one of the incidences that took place in Philadelphia, some of the Protestants rioted leaving more than thirteen Irish members of the immigrants. In New York in 1844, protestant also burned down the St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Like the Jews were banished from some of the American premises, some of the premises in America put up signs citing they were not hiring any one that is Irish and that they should not come in by any chance. At the time the Irish were referred to as travelers and as such the signs would read; no travelers allowed. The Jews who had been born in America tried to form philanthropic organizations that raised funds for the development of hospitals, schools and even libraries, for the Jews that came from the Eastern Europe. This was also an effort to fight the king of discrimination that the Jews were facing with reference to the legislations, where most of them were not allowed into the American premises including school...
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