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How Do National Borders Impact Immigration Policies and Human Rights

Essay Instructions:



“A World without Borders Makes Economic Sense” by Michael Clemens

“A World without Border” by Stefany Anne Golberg


Your essay should have an original title, use 12 pt Times New Roman Font, and be double spaced. This essay will be approximately 7-10 pages, and any essays that do not meet the requirement will lose points. Create a properly formatted works cited page, and correctly use in-text citations.

Source requirements

For this essay, you must use 6-10 outside sources for support. You are welcome to use texts from previous weeks, but these do not count as outside sources. If appropriate, you can include a source you have cited in a previous essay.

You must have a variety of sources, including AT LEAST:

3 sources from the college library databases

1 credible online article

1 credible media source, such as a video, podcast, work of art, etc.

Writing Task

For this essay, you will apply conceptual and theoretical frameworks in a research-based essay. Analyze a controversial topic related to the theme of borders using issues raised by the texts we have discussed. Use additional research to articulate your understanding of the issue/topic, position yourself in the critical conversations about this aspect of borders, and make clear the larger significance of your argument, exploration, and analyses. You must use relevant strategies of argument to support your positions, and you may use REVISED portions of other essays from this class.


To effectively approach this topic, you must come up with a critical question about borders that can be answered through analyzing multiple readings, images, and videos used in this class. A good research question might look like the following:

To what degree do strong borders improve national security?

How do immigrant artists in America portray the concept of borders, and what impact does this portrayal have?

Would open borders positively impact the world’s economy?


bibliography has already been made and will be linked :D

Essay Sample Content Preview:





How do national borders impact immigration policies and human rights, and what is the significance of addressing this issue in the context of evolving border geographies?


Article 13-2 of the Universal declaration of Human rights clearly posits that, “everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.” Respectively, Article 14-1 states that, “everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.” While the two specific declarations acknowledge emigration, the right to immigrant becomes blurred especially with the ever-problematic contemporary immigration policies. It is evidently true that skilled laborer’s traverse borders quite easily, leaving those outside this groups with minimal or zero migration opportunities. While globalization has increased the flow of information, goods, capital, and services, the flow of humans across borders remains majorly problematic (Paasi 213). There are many existing policies put in place by countries to determine who comes in only and not vice versa. Arguably, the immigration limitations in several national borders especially the first world countries, have triggered major human rights challenges that have not yet been acknowledged. Analyzing the issues of immigration policies and humans’ rights through the lens of evolving border geographies, makes it possible to understand its complexities and what it takes to address them in the context of the ever-evolving border geographies.

National Borders and Economic Prosperity

International border migration remains has been a critical subject in the past few centuries. As at 2020, the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) reports that about 281 million people live and work in a country other than the country they were born. This high number now reiterates the critical subject of migration especially since 46% of world migrants and about 86% of asylum seekers and refugees originate from developing nations. Through the 1800 and 1900s, migration was hardly an issue, but in our contemporary society many nations now see immigration as a threat with many nations, particularly the USA and European countries, now teaming up to 

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