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Global Citizenship: Best Way Forward in the 21st Century

Essay Instructions:

DEBATE: Is “global citizenship” the best way forward in the 21st century? Take a stand.

Introduction: Why does this global problem matter, Thesis (Hightlight), Preview.

Robust Example:

“In this paper I will argue for/against “global citizenship,” which means standing as one for the values of respect and caring for life on earth, including ecological integrity, justice, democracy and peace.”

Minimal Example:

“I will argue for/against “global citizenship” defined in the interests of global capitalism as “sustainable development.”

2. Present & explain one global problem to make your case for or against GC, e.g. population, war, climate change, poverty, etc. Draw support for your grasp of the problem from at least one film assigned in the course.

3. Define & defend “global citizenship” using one or more of the following texts. Give reasons why it should be defined in the way you have defined it:

Kant’s “Perpetual Peace”

UN Declaration of Human Rights

Earth Charter / Singer / Leopold

MacGregor’s Procedural Definition

4. Argue that “global citizenship” will (or will not) provide the best values to guide us in solving 21st century problems. Make reference to the specific aspects of the problem you outlined above and point out how GC will help (or not). Draw support for your position from at least one argument presented in the required readings.

5. Present and respond to your opposition’s best argument drawing support from at least one of the arguments in the course readings.

6. Conclude with a brief reflection on the consequences of pursuing (or failing to pursue) the course of values you argue for in your essay.



“Global citizenship” is an essentially contested concept. Part of the challenge of the essay is for you to make it clear what definition you are supporting. Please use only the readings for this course to define the concept.

Making your case based on solving a global problem does not mean you should ignore the local implications or personal experience. The persuasiveness of your case depends on bringing the global home.

This is not a paper about the efficacy of ethics, i.e. whether ethics can or cannot solve our problems. Rather it is about which values you stand for, i.e. your ethics. Hence, you would be missing the point if you argued that ethics cannot save us.

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Global Citizenship is the Best Way Forward in the 21st Century
When George Floyd was murdered on the 25th of May 2020, the entire world came together to air its disgust and reject the cruelty directed at another human being. More than 60 countries held protests for a man they did not know or had any direct or indirect relations with. The only motivation was that he was a human being and that he deserved better treatment. So, people from all over the world rose and made their voices heard. They stood for what they believed in, and in that instance, their beliefs transcended geography. The above was the epitome of global citizenship and a show of the ideals of a united world. Provided herein is a paper that argues for global citizenship drawing on the ideals or principles of equality in dignity, human rights, justice, and freedom.
Global Problem
Systemic or institutional discrimination continues to be one of the major issues that are still experienced in the world today. For some people in the world, equality has never been a reality. Even though it is consistently mentioned and discussed on international media platforms, it has never become a part of their lives. Such people have been at the mercy of institutional discrimination, where everything appears organized to humiliate and discriminate. The fabric or foundation of society also happens to be on discriminatory policies and statutes that maintain the status quo. Many groups in the world happen to experience systemic or institutionalized discrimination. For example, African Americans or blacks worldwide happen to be the recipient of some of the worst discriminatory acts. Muslims also happen to suffer discrimination mainly because of their religion. Currently, anti-semitism happens to be growing in Europe as Jews are subjected to deplorable acts of violence and discrimination. The LGBTQ group is also at the mercy of those who control the laws and policies of the land. Every corner happens to have a group that is suffering some institutionalized discrimination. The documentary titled Freedom Riders happens to capture the story of a group of people who had been subjected to institutionalized discrimination. From the laws to people’s mindsets, the African Americans were second-class, and therefore, they deserved less. Such rhetoric helped to maintain the status quo and curtail any effort to attain equality. Even though the film is limited to one country, it does capture the societal evil that lies in the ideals of institutionalized discrimination.
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