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Challenges the Government Faces to Guarantee Freedom and Equality in Business

Essay Instructions:

Please strictly follow the instructions and rubrics to write a essay. Make sure to get as many points as possible, so you don't need to revise too much for the final version.

I've been struggling with my feelings about asking you to use the Declaration of Independence as your starting point for a discussion of what an ideal government might be like.  This document has had tremendous influence in the world.  And yet, here are a few of my reservations:

Nothing is self-evident when it comes to the nature of living things, human and otherwise, except that we all want to live.

Governments are not formed out of thin air to serve the needs of their citizens.  They come into existence in the messiest of ways, representing at best some sort of compromise between present realities and dreams of a better future.

Neither the American Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution were written in the capitalist era.  Our world is very different from Thomas Jefferson’s and our central issue may be said to be the tension between our economic and political systems.   

If we are to consider what might be, in the case of the United States, we must remember that, even at the moment when the signers of the Declaration of Independence espoused the ideals of equality, realities on the ground were very different.

Throughout its history, the United States has toggled between 2 conflicting principles: the principle of democracy and the principle of oligarchy.

If we are looking at the world as a citizen of China, or Russia, or Iran, or Cuba, we must understand that not every dream is an American dream.

I know very little of China, but I have to think that we can find the same tension there between the pieties of the Communist Party and the incredible power of the Communist Party, not to mention the great fortunes which are being made by individuals.

I will be asking you, therefore, to write your final paper considering the challenges faced by a government which seeks to guarantee both the effective workings of free enterprise (or some form of free enterprise) and the well-being of all its citizens.  Your paper can be set in the United States, in China, or wherever you choose to set it, including a utopia which you invent.  The assignment and rubric are now posted.  I have not yet posted an assignment and rubric for the second draft, but I will post that very soon.

The assignment is a paper which you are welcome to write with or without reference to anything you have read.  If you go to Module 7 and look at the assignment, you will notice that the prompt has changed.  I found myself worrying that the Declaration of Independence might not be a useful starting point for your paper, and so what I am asking you to do is to consider this problem: how do we permit and encourage entrepreneurial activity (call it capitalism?) and still protect the rights of all citizens, some (or many?) of whom may not reap much benefit from the wealth being generated by those who are driving the economy.

You can set this paper in the US, in China, in any place you choose including a place of your own invention (a utopia).  You may cite any author you choose, but you may write this article based exclusively on your own ideas.  The 1st draft is due on Thursday, Dec. 3 at 11:59 PM.  The 2nd draft is due at the end of the semester at a date to be announced.  Your grade for this final paper will be the sum of your grades on the 1st and 2nd drafts.  You’ll see a prompt and a rubric.

The prompt asks you to write a 5-paragraph essay describing the challenges a government must face in guaranteeing both freedom and equality in business.  If you only protect freedom, the gap between those at the top and those at the bottom may be extreme.  Not everyone can be Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon.  If you only protect equality, you may be able to legislate wonderful salaries for everyone at Amazon, but you must consider how long Amazon will be in business once you have demoted Jeff Bezos to the mailroom.

You are welcome to write your essay in any way you choose so long as you follow the 5-paragraph format laid out in the rubric.

You are welcome to describe an existing business or economic system or to imagine your own utopia.

One way for you to consider this topic is to ponder the lives of Larry Sills and Maddie Parlier in the article by Adam Davidson entitled, “Making it in America.”

Larry did not exactly compete for the job of CEO at Standard Motor Products.  His family has run the company for 100 years.  And yet, whatever you might think of the process whereby Larry became CEO, he seems to be very good at his job.  He guided the company through at least 1 major recession.  He has managers in place who assess the profitability every day of every department in the company.  SMP makes money and appears to be stable, but only through extremely careful management.  Should the board of directors of SMP have the freedom to hire and retain Larry, even though there has never been any open competition for his seat?  Should Larry have the freedom to run the company as he sees fit?  Should government have any say in the way Standard Motor Products is run?

Consider now the case of Maddie Parlier.  Maddie was once an honors student in high school, but now she is a single mother, very glad to have a Level 1 position at SMP but with no time or money to get the extra training she needs if she is ever to advance to Level 2.  Would you like for there to be a way for Maddie to advance over time?  What about Maddie’s safety at work?  Medical insurance?  Larry may not believe he can help Maddie in any way without reducing the profitability of the company.  Would you like to require SMP to provide training or any other good things for any of its workers?  Do you believe that government should play a role in any of this or would you like to keep government out?

Notice that the SMP example is set in the right-to-work (no unions) state of South Carolina in the United States today.  Other settings might work differently.  But here is the constant: children have different abilities.  Parents offer differing support systems.  Some economic ventures flourish.  Some go under.  In the face of the world’s propensity to produce winners and losers, how should government guarantee freedom and equality?

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Freedom versus Equality in Business
The rise in the capitalistic economy, which is apparent in most countries across the world including the United States (U.S.), has placed many at an impasse situation when it comes to permitting and encouraging entrepreneurial activity while at the same time protecting citizens’ rights. In this regard, every country wants to do well economically, but then this objective should never come at the compromise of their citizens' well-being. In essence, the government will endear to ensure that both parties, entrepreneurs, and citizens, have a conducive environment upon which they can accomplish their goals and freedom with minimal friction. Nevertheless, this proposition is never seamless as it may appear or sound as the government is compelled to assume its mediatory function in ensuring that both parties achieve their objectives conveniently. Assuming the mediatory role means that the government is keen on providing a consensus between two conflicting sides. To this end, the government experiences significant challenges in guaranteeing an amicable situation for the prevailing circumstance. One of the primary problems arises from crony capitalists who seek to take advantage of their financial capabilities to delude the public and more importantly, the legislation thereof. Secondly, the government’s agenda can face opposition from various interpretations of the constitution, the public, non-governmental institutions, and other stakeholders. The government can create a balance through the implementation of projects that elicit utilitarianism and being transparent in their operations to arouse minimal confrontations from the public and private sector.
First and foremost, the government faces a major challenge in the mere existence of crony capitalism, which is a divisive concept between a few individuals and the greater population. Understanding this phenomenon demands an illustration of its roots and thus, how it influences economic operations. Similarly, the case for equality can only be articulated when one has a comprehension of how inequality comes into existence. To begin with, there is no doubt as to the economic advantage that entrepreneurs and corporations possess over the rest of the population. This factor alone is instrumental in defining the ensuing inequality and consequently, forms the foundation for the conflict that arises on whose side the government should focus their primal efforts. It is a notion that has been apparent among the scholars of the past including Karl Marx. In his book, The Communist Manifesto, he noted that the bourgeoisie would have control of the factors of production implying that they would ration the prices of commodities relative to the rate of inflation. When inflation rose, they would raise the prices making it even more difficult for ordinary people to raise their living standards by any considerable degree. It is a situation that many capitalistic economies face today justifying the ensuing difference in income. However, the gap has become quite significant to the extent that an exclusive group owns most of the country’s wealth. This clique of individuals and corporations has been influential in the passage of policies that favor them and the blockage of those that appear to derail their operations in one way or another. To this end, most people are convinced that the nation’s current economic woes do not arise from the government’s intrusion into the private sector, but rather the opposite. Private interests have intruded on government policy-making resulting in problems that have been difficult to overcome for the policymakers. In some cases, corporations have contributed to the demise of public interests through their political contributions. For instance, Trump’s tax cuts are perceived as kickbacks to his billionaire donors that funded his presidential campaign (Severns). In this case, policymakers’ ability to place peoples’ interests at the forefront face significant hurdle considering the massive impediments that underlie. Besides, corporations have an astronomical level of resources to ensure that their will comes to fruition. It is ironic because these are the same businesses that will seek bailouts when the economy goes against their business operations. This position shows that at any other moment, they have an advantage over ordinary citizens. It would interesting to see whether true capitalism will be given space to roam over the encroaching crony capitalism.
On the other hand, the government’s commitment to a free enterprise receives major obstacles from the constitution, public, non-governmental organizations, and other concerned stakeholders. Take for example the privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). SOEs are business institutions where the government has full or in-part ownership. They come in various models across various sectors. On the other hand, it is in very often circumstances that one will hear terms such as integrity, innovation, competitiveness, and efficiency. These are fundamental aspects of the success of a commercial enterprise in the ...
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