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Feminism, Blackness, and Indigeneity

Essay Instructions:

you will be required to participate in online class discussions (aka response posts) to engage with your classmates and course materials. Unless otherwise noted, posts on the online discussion page must demonstrate your engagement with the readings assigned and the week’s questions. You will be required to submit 13 discussion posts of 400-650 words. All discussion posts are due by Friday 5:00PM.

Here is a check-list you should review to ensure you receive full credit for this assignment:

1. Did I briefly summarize all of the readings? (maximum 1-2 sentences of summary per reading)

2. Did I discuss most of the additional content? For example, this week you should be responding to the two videos

3. Did I include questions about the readings/content? (I do not expect everyone to fully comprehend the readings--this is impossible. Make sure to include questions about terms, why the author is arguing what they are arguing, things you are confused about/need clarification on, etc.)

4. Did I follow proper essay format (intro, body, conclusion)? This does not mean you should have three big paragraphs, instead, you should follow an essay format that is clear, concise, and organized

5. Did I cite my sources using Chicago or MLA format?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name
Student’s Name
Feminism, Blackness, and Indigeneity
Question One
The authors of the readings relate various discriminatory factors, including gender and race, in theoretical frameworks to explain how these factors affect relationships and interactions among people from different racial backgrounds. Race and gender, in this case, are critical elements that highly promote social inequalities (Daniels). Police violence is typical within the indigenous communities, whereby these communities proactively fight against the practice. The people fight against the violence due to the many witnessed sudden deaths of both indigenous and afro-indigenous citizens. Research projects that the number of individuals killed by police officers remains uncertain. The brutality is compounded for Afro-Indigenous persons. For instance, although she got slight press coverage, Toronto police killed Regis Korchinski-Paquet. Many argue that how she lost her life and the failure of media coverage can be ascribed to her Afro-Indigenous woman character (Belfi p. 5).
Question Two
Racism refers to the process whereby policies, attitudes, systems, and actions develop discriminatory outcomes and opportunities for individuals based on 'race.' The concept is more than bias in action (Shiao & Woody 496). Racism differs from anti-blackness such that the latter denotes behaviors or activities that devalue, decrease, or marginalize Black people's full participation in life. Some people also refer to anti-blackness as the name for the specific racial prejudice form focused on black persons. Though racism and anti-blackness are different in definition, the two concepts are prevalent in society and result in the suffering of a specific ethnic group(s). Racism influences the language used to label dark-skinned persons in various ways, especially anti-blackness. For example, individuals might use abusive language against the Blacks, making them uncomfortable about themselves. Though unfair enough, some people mig...
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