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Social Sciences
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How Do New Technologies Impact The Economy, Culture, And Society?

Essay Instructions:

1. How do new technologies impact the economy, culture, and society
2. What new technologies are there, and how do they collaborate with
other fields (medical, environmental etc)
3. Theoretical computer science (bitcoins, or artificial intelligence)
4. What careers exist that use computer science

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Computer Science and Emerging Issues
How do new technologies impact the economy, culture, and society?
Technology has changed the way people live, work and play. Modernization resulting from cloud computing transitions has led to easy access to public services online and via mobile phones. Through technology, civilization has moved from human power to animal power, to water and finally to wind power. Means of transportation like vehicles, trains, and ships have enabled humans to move from one place to another more effectively. Airplanes are equipped with special facilities which make it easier to transport goods and services from one country to another country. Through innovations, farmers have embraced technology to irrigate crops. Advanced technology is being used to irrigate vast farms (Demont, Mathijs and Tollens 16). Genetically produced plants like potatoes help farmers to reduce spending because they resist pest and disease. In dairy farming, an automatic milking system has replaced the traditional milking parlor practiced in the old days (Demont, Mathijs and Tollens 27). Technology has dramatically influenced business innovation. The internet provides new ways of reaching out to more customers via the social media. Through internet advertisement, businesses get to gain a more significant market share globally (A.T. Kearney 2). Technology is changing the world of work and reshaping the labor market, with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry availing more jobs in the society.
What new technologies are there, and how do they collaborate with other fields (medical, environmental, etc.)
Technology has led to the innovation of fuel cell vehicles, new artificial intelligence and ‘sense and void’ drones (Meyerson). Emergent artificial intelligence is a computer-based system that performs tasks faster compared to humans. This system can store and access information easily. Emergent artificial intelligence performs much better when dealing with disease diagnosis than the medical professionals (A.T. Kearney 9). Artificial intelligence systems have been installed in medical oncology to help in treating cancer patients. ‘Sense and avoid’ drones are a form of technology applied in the agriculture sector for recording and sighting other applications requiring comprehensive aerial surveillance (Meyerson). The purpose of this system is to execute dangerous tasks such as checking electric power lines and delivering emergency medical care. These activities are remote for human bein...
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