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Free Speech and Content on the Internet

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Essay based on free speech on the Internet: The issue is whether various kinds of speech and content on the Internet should be restricted, such as hate speech, pornography, lewd material, sex chat rooms, and similar items. Others feel that only actual specific threats of violence and obscene material should be prohibited, and in some cases not even these categories.
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Free Speech and Content on the Internet
With the intensified use of internet in the world, there is a contentious issue on its moral obligation to the young generation. Strong emphasis on individual human rights of expression and speech continues to encourage obscene and violent materials in the world. Some countries has enforced some internet censorship measures which seeks to restrict the immoral and obnoxious scenes, but some still feels that people should be allowed to express themselves freely. The majorities of internet users are the young generations who tend to be influenced by these obscene speech and content. This paper will seek to evaluate whether governments should restrict various internet speech and content such as hate speech, pornography and sex chat rooms.
The main objective of internet should be to transmit or receive information across network. The information which may contain images, graphics, sounds and videos are channeled through internet in order to educate and inform the recipient and influence his behavior and actions. The core objective is however compromised by various speech and contents which tend to deviate from the norm. Hate speech based on religious difference, racial background and other human differences should not be allowed to destabilize our unity. Governments from all over the world should seek to prohibit it by punishing the perpetrators and blocking their sites. This will not only minimize divisions and conflicts between people, but it will ensure a peaceful and a harmonious coexistence in the world.
Although there are those who feels that sex oriented sites should not be prohibited, it may cause more harm than good to our society. Pornographic and lewd materials should be restricted in our society, since they not only mislead our youths, but they influence them into practicing the obscene acts. As a result, our young generation is engaging into relationships and pre-marital sex at a very tender age. Sex chat rooms and dating chat rooms have continued to spoil our youths. Internet restrictions to such sites should be encouraged in order to salvage the future of our youths. The restrictions should be done through government censorship, or through the parental guiding. The government and private organizations should however not use their position and power to infringe the individual human rights. They should allow people to exercise their freedom of speech and expression rights, but in right way and to the right audience. Such freedoms should however not be allowed to negatively affect our current and future generations.
It is important to note that, ...
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