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Essay 1

Essay Instructions:
In 1000-1200 words, discuss a guest lecture of your choosing. The essay should provide a general overview of the talk and thoughtfully engage its main arguments. Imagine you are writing for someone who was not present for the lecture. With such a person in mind, your task is to offer a clear and focused explanation of the topic. For this essay I choose "Talk: Dr. Benjamin Davis – African American Studies, Saint Louis University, “Edward Said's Archive: Toward Postcolonial Theory”" The video link is https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=DlnqpLTSDw8, It's not lecture, but it will be helpful.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Lecturer Name Unit Due Date The Question of Palestine and the Representation of Intellectuals This lecture explores the question of Palestine and the representation of the intellectual by Edward Said. It begins by highlighting a journey through the complexities of identity, power, and resistance. The author, Edward Said, was a Palestinian-American intellectual, a Scholar, and an activist committed to challenging the dominant narratives about Palestine while interrogating the role of intellectuals in streamlining these narratives. The lecture aims to examine how Said's engagement with the question of Palestine mirrors his wider perception of the intellectuals and their responsibilities in confronting hegemonic discourse and challenging injustice. The Question of Palestine Said’s groundbreaking work, the Question of Palestine, provides remarkable and topical arguments, emphasizing the complex dimensions of the Israeli-Palestinian war and revealing the political, historical, and cultural intricacies that have influenced this protracted conflict (Khalidi, 497). It allows the audience to understand the historical grounds of the current events in Palestine including the outbreak of the second Intifada, the US mediation, the devastation of the Palestine National Authority, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem after four decades of military occupation, the destruction of Gaza, and the endless massacre of innocent Jews (Said, XII). With eloquent precision, Said exposes the dominant narratives surrounding the conflict, challenging the audience to critically examine concepts of identity, national sovereignty, and displacement (Said, IX). The US government's Middle East initiatives during that period appear to have influenced the Question of Palestine (XVII). Like most Palestinians, Said was encouraged by President Carter’s statements on Palestine rights in 1977 (Obenzinger, 139), the apparent determination to follow the 1975 Brooking Report's recommendations, and the October 1 1977 joint US-USSR statement that acknowledged the significance of the Palestine question (Said, XII). The main argument Said puts forth in the question of Palestine is the critique of Zionism. He critically evaluates Zionism as a settler-colonial project that has resulted in the dispossession and displacement of the Palestinians (Said, X). Said argues that Zionism depends on myths of a ‘land without people’ to justify the Palestine colonization. Another main point is Israeli occupation and resistance. Said criticizes the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the systematic oppression of Palestinians (Khalidi, 505). He supports Palestinian resistance efforts as genuine responses to occupation and injustice. A third point is Palestinian identity and rights. Said emphasizes the usefulness of acknowledging Palestinian identity and their rights to self-determination. He contests the deletion of Palestinian history and culture, calling for recognition of Palestinian narratives and rights (XIV). Moreover, Said censures Western media and governments for their involvement in perpetuating the Israeli occupation and ostracizing Palestinian voices (Said, p. 22). He...
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