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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
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Effects of Unprotected Sex Among Teenagers

Essay Instructions:

This paper needs to specifically focus on the Effects of Unprotected Sex Among Teenagers… not the causes. That was made very clear. Also was noted not to write how to prevent such. Just the effects of the issue. The three points that I wanted to hit are: 1st para: Unwanted/ unplanned pregnancy 2nd para: Various diseases to include, STIs, STDs and HIV/AIDS etc 3rd para: Social discrimination that leads to stress, anxiety and depression etc. 3-4 sources, whichever is needed, but no more than 4 Transition sentences at the end of each paragraph. Needs a clear direct thesis statement at the end of the intro and restated in different words in the conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Effects of Unprotected Sex Among Teenagers
Teenagers are increasingly sexually active in our society today. The problem of teenagers engaging in unprotected sex and the consequences that comes with it is not only a problem affecting the teenagers. It is also a continuing severe problem in the society. The goal for this paper is to examine the effects of unprotected sex among teenagers with an aim of helping them to change their beliefs and behaviors on unprotected sex and pre-marital sex.
One of the effects of unprotected sex among teenagers is the unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. Statistics according to "Babies having Babies," indicate that 40% of young women in the United States become pregnant before they reach twenty years of age (Guttmacher 36). Teenage pregnancies problem hampers the expectant teenager’s education. Some teenagers put their education on hold while there are many who drop out of school altogether. Another problem is that teenage pregnancies often cause unfavourable consequences for the babies. Many infants born by teenage mothers are likely to have a low birth weight. Babies with low birth weight frequently may have negative effects such as mental retardation, immature organs and sugar levels that are unusual in their blood (Guttmacher 39).
Another effect of unprotected sex among teenagers is increased incidences of sexually transmitted diseases. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) 2012 report titled Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, one out of every four teenagers has a Sexually Transmitted Disease. Examples of STDs are; Mycoplasma Genitalium, Chalmydia, Crabs (Pubic Lice), Genital warts, Chancroid, Genital herpes, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Molluscum Contag...
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