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3 pages/≈825 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Do Racial Differences in Women’s Attitudes Toward Transgenderism Exist?

Essay Instructions:

Dear Students,

Here are the specifics for the final paper, which needs to be 3 double spaced pages, and use MLA style citations. The due date is Dec 21st. Please, as always, email me with any questions!

Final Paper Outline:

First Paragraph: Question and Thesis Statement

Using one or more of the readings and/or media (videos) from the course materials, propose a question that is interesting to you which you'd like to answer.

For example: "What is the relationship between colonialism and the history of the gender binary?"

Have the question posed somewhere in the first paragraph.

Also in the first paragraph, have your thesis -- which is, simply, a one sentence answer to that question.

Body of Paper: Crafting the Argument

Following the first paragraph that provides the opening question and the answer of the thesis statement, the rest of the essay should construct an argument that incorporates the relevant source(s) from class. For the the example above about colonialism and the gender binary, I could imagine using either or both the Miranda reading, or Snorton. It doesn't matter how many sources you use, just as long as it gives you enough material for 3 pages of an argument.

In crafting your argument, just as you already do for the response papers, please use quotes from the material (article or video).

Citations: MLA Style

Please use MLA style for citations

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Instructor’s Name
Course Section
In the past and until today’s time, the world is only filled with two colors: black and white. These colors represent groups of people who have long been at odds with one another. Whites have always had more privilege than Blacks in this world. White people excel in various fields, are trusted, and are superior. Meanwhile, Blacks are perpetually oppressed. They are underachievers; some believe their group comprises delinquent individuals due to a lack of proper education. Furthermore, because these groups are constantly opposing each other, given that they are always in different circumstances, this paper aims to answer the question: Do racial differences in women’s attitudes toward transgenderism exist? Given the differences experienced by women in these groups, both groups may also have opposing views on transgenderism.
There are reasons why women are drawn to transgenderism; however, according to Pennington’s study, “Transgenderism is attractive because the societal hatred and subordination of women and lesbians, and the valorization of men, are forces that make it more attractive for some women...” (119–120). As a result of the advantages of being a man, women are drawn to transgenderism. These privileges may include economic stability, safety from harassment, unwanted pregnancy and menstruation, and higher self-regard and well-being (120). Men typically earn more than women in this society. Employers may argue that men are paid more than women because men perform tasks that require physical strength or because people live in a patriarchal society where men are valued more than women. Society has also been cruel to women since they experience abuse from their employers or their families. In addition, the pregnancy journey is as difficult and painful for women as their monthly menstrual period. Finally, because men are more valued by society, women who cling to transgenderism may feel valued if they become men. Therefore, women are drawn to transgenderism because of the benefits they will receive as a man that they did not receive as a woman.
Furthermore, the reasons mentioned above may only apply to White women. Due to their race and the experiences of Black men, Black women may not be drawn to transgenderism. The men in their group are oppressed and underprivileged, just like them. Furthermore, Blacks are victims of the stereotypes attached to them. For instance, when a Black adolescent was killed by police brutality. The teenager was walki...
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