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The Death Of Socrates - A Famous Athenian Philosopher

Essay Instructions:

Jacques- Louis David: The Death of Socrates (1787)
In essay, please answer the following questions in depth:
1. Situate the painting in their respective historical context, i.e. when the painting was realized, why did the creator choose the topic, what was intended to the historical period in which the painting was first exhibited and/or sold.
2. Discuss the relationship between philosophy and dying as depicted in the David painting. Please go into detail using the implied story in the painting and any significant postures, objects, projections you may detect that show these relationships.
3. Choose one or more formal elements, such as color, use of light, costume, texture, line, in the respective painting and demonstrate how this or these elements determine the content and message of painting.
4. Your essay should be at least four full pages or 1000 words minimum and address all questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Death of Socrates
Socrates is a famous Athenian philosopher convicted to death for impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens. A painting by Jacques-Louis David in 1787 titled "The Death of Socrates," attempted to illustrate Socrates last moments before his death as he willingly submitted to death by hemlock (David 22). Jacques-Louis David presents a historical scene of Socrates drinking hemlock as required by the Athenian government, showing how Socrates held on to his beliefs and teaching until he died.
The picture was first exhibited in room 614 of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1787; Trudaine de Montigny brothers commissioned the painting to share this historical event with the public. The painting forms a significant part of history because 1780 was a time of the French revolution; this was the time when people fought for their rights. The painting of the death of Socrates encouraged people to stay true to their beliefs (David 26). Since the painting was completed in 1787, some years before the beginning of the revolution, Socrates is seen as a martyr during that time.
David's' painting reflects on Socrates discussion with Plato representing how a true philosopher was not afraid of dying (David 31). In the painting, Socrates is seen to have chosen his death and refused to renounce his beliefs despite his students pleading with him to spare his life. In the picture, Plato an old man is seen next to Socrates Bed in a somber and sorrowful mood. Even before his death, Socrates appears to be lecturing his students, he looks calm and at peace (David 30). Viewing the painting, the death of Socrates, it is evident that Socrates was loyal to the Athenian government. He was more concerned about his teachings and his beliefs in reason and justice (David 33). Socrates friends and his family tried to convince him to renounce his teachings, but Socrates believed in democratic laws of Athens (David 33).
Jacques-Louis David's painting is based on the reflection of death in the discussion where Socrates described life after death before he was executed. Socrates believed that the soul is immortal and there is an afterlife (David 35). Based on his crime, Socrates had the option of going into exile or drinking a poisonous hemlock. Socrates believed that his soul would live forever; therefore, he stayed true to his teachings. He preferred drinking the glass of hemlock (David 36).
David’s painting illustrate Socrates seated on his deathbed in his cell, reaching for the glass of hemlock, the open shackles on the floor and his followers gathered around him trying to convince him, shows courage (David 38). Socrates posture shows defiance; his left arm is raised up firmly while his right arm is relaxed, he seems to be speaking to those around him. He looks away while reaching for the cup; meaning that taking the poison is not something he wanted to think about, he willingly takes the poison. The man giving him the glass is looking in the opposite d...
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