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Critical Response On Environmental Justice

Essay Instructions:

1. 2 of them are the instructions and rubric of the assignment.

2. the other are assigned readings.

As the instructions said, you need to choose at least 2 of the assigned readings I uploaded to analyze feminist perspectives of environmental justice.

Since you do not need to find sources on your own and the readings should be cited are just 2 or 3, please read your chosen articles deeply and thoughtfully, and analyze them as deep as possible.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Institution: Course: Instructor: Date: Critical Response on Environmental Justice Economic globalization is characterized by global economic integration and a largely unregulated capitalist economy. Other features of the global economy include trade liberalization, maximization of economic efficiency and growth, technological progress, and distributive justice. Economic globalization involves elimination of government regulations, privatization of public assets, reduction of social welfare programs, and restrictions on immigration which raise concern about their impact on human well-being. Feminists articulate that the impact of economic globalization on women must be properly addressed because of a significant proportion of the poor population in the world, especially for global domestic laborers. In the international scene, this type of care involves taking care of the young, old, sick, and disabled. Domestic care can also be termed as the daily undertaking of household duties and responsibilities. Majority of international care providers are women who leave their home countries and families in search for employment opportunities in developed countries especially the United States and Europe. While in foreign countries, female domestic workers offer care services and gain financial compensation for supporting their children and families back in their countries. However, being a female caregiver in foreign countries is normally accompanied by a wide variety of challenges. There are several theories used by feminist to address the plight of immigrant women in the international domestic care labor. These theories are popular with postcolonial feminists, transnational feminists, and feminists who advocate for ethics of care and the challenges faced by women who work as care providers in foreign countries. Some of the key issues addressed by the feminist theoretical approaches to globalization include gender injustices associated with globalization and a shared commitment to core feminist values which opposes subordination of women in the society (Pulido 3). While early feminists focused on issues that were believed as specific to women such as domestic violence, job discrimination, and violation of human rights against women, modern feminist analyses of Globalization examines the outcomes of economic globalization as the effects of systematic structural injustices that cut across the globe. According to the feminist, the structural injustices presented by globalization are biased against women. They further argue that women of all nationalities suffer from the poverty, overwork, deprivation, and political marginalization associated with globalization policies (Pulido 6). Other feminist theories criticize globalization in the perspective of mainstream moral and political ideals such as equality, democracy, and human rights. They use globalization aspects are used to address gender-based issues such as sexual slavery, forced domestic labor, and severe economic deprivation that deny or offer sub-standard education, food, and healthcare services (Parreñas 83). At the local level, feminists suggest that women are subjected to gender oppression based on race, class, disability and sexual orientation. The gender oppression and injustices on the domestic level interact with the oppressive systems of economic globalization to create more disadvantages in the global context. However, the severity of the disadvantages against women is dependent on nationality geographic location, the status of citizenship, and socioeconomic position of an individual within the global economy. As a result, feminists' theorists of globalization associate gender injustices with specific transnational aspects including historical relationship among nations and current global economic policies (Parreñas 54). The attention on globalization shifts from local conditions to the global context and from historical to modern experiences of oppression and vulnerability. At the same time, the interaction of social, economic, and political forces of life are also considered. While addressing economic...
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