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Core Values and Moral Principles in the Ideal Society

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Essay for an intro to social and political science philosophy class. Should be double spaced. Will attach document with instructions to complete the essay on the ideal society.

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The Ideal Society
It is every individual’s dream to live amongst a community in which financial constraints and societal problems are non-existent. This is a society in which justice, equality, peace, and liberty are plenty within the borders. Every human being is treated on equal grounds, regardless of their wealth, social class, political positions, as well as affiliations. Each is recognized as an integral part of the society, wholesomely contributing to the growth, maintenance, and development of the society.
Core Values and Moral Principles in the Ideal Society
This is a society in which all the citizens are under the rule of law. Equal treatment is accorded to them regardless of their age, gender, race or political inclination. While justice results in a harmonic knit community, injustice cause core disharmony creating parallelism among the people. In the ideal society, the just man is much happier than the unjust man.

The society should be at all instances ideally treat each equally. It should involve everyone directly in all the engagements to ensure all are represented. The society should then be portrayed as that which has little or no social hierarchy.
Social Responsibility
Every individual in a society should be responsible for everyone. One should be accountable for others in matters pertaining poverty, medical care, animal rights, as well as awareness and preservation of the environment.
Action and Achievement Oriented
For the society to be ideal, there is need to put more emphasis and to get all things done by setting goals and planning considering their priorities. The society is required to measure the results of various purposes and ensure that these goals lead to some achievement.
There should be self-determination of freedom and rights of the people within a society to be able to exercise self-governance in their social structure. Independence presents itself mainly in self-law, self-rule, self-determination, as well as self-governance. Autonomy is normatively essential in an ideal society.
Here all promises are kept, and realistic commitments are made to the people within the society by professionals. It encompasses forming a trusted and satisfying relationship within a society.
Political Structure of the Ideal Society
A perfect people form the basis of the ideal society. A decentralized government is a necessity in such cases as the power is vested in the people of the republic. The decisions and upfront are in favor of the people since every strategy implemented should be satisfactory to everyone, caters to the people’s collective good. The rulers compose laws that serve the interests of those stronger in the society. The rulers govern the people, not out of necessity but due to fear of being ruled by inferiors. Societal activities are to a great extent free of political interference. An ideal society is often goal-oriented.
Integrating a democratic aspect into the political arena of the ideal society is perhaps the most significant step in averting autocracy. Technocracy allows the choice of a leader based on their popularity index and charisma; generated from their ability to convince the electorate on the power their ability to bring about change while wholly involving the people in decisions that impact their lives.
Central Governance
The society is coercive, and as such, there is no central government. The consent of the people is regarded in every decision reached. As such, no authoritative power from which most events radiate exists in the ideal society. The absence of a typical central gover...
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