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Comparative Politics Exercise: The Affordable Care Act (ACA

Essay Instructions:

Almost uniquely among the advanced democracies, the United States has no universal health care system. Even if the Affordable Care Act survives politically, there will still be millions of people who won't have health insurance. Construct a plausible hypothesis that might explain this political anomaly/puzzle that can be fitted within either the cultural or structural research traditions of comparative politics.

The professor said no outside readings, so basically no sources needed. For the exercise, use MSS or MDS method, you need to find a country that is similar or different from the states, then come up with one design MSS or MDS to analyze. Let me know if you have any questions.

Please write based on knowledge.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparative Politics Exercise
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is often known as the Obama care which is one of the most debatable healthcare reforms in the United States. The act has for several times over the past five years survived various levels of scrutiny from the healthcare professionals and the political wings, in particular, the Republicans. However, the main debate is usually whether the act is working in the United States health care system or not.
By only browsing at some of the recent reports on the act, it is evident that the Affordable Care Act is not only serving its main purpose for the American citizen but has gone beyond what was expected. According to several studies, it is evident that the Affordable Healthcare Act has been credited for the reduction of the number of uninsured American citizen across all states. According to one analysis carried by RAND Corporation, it was actually revealed that more than 17 million Americans were insured since the opening of the health insurance exchanges. This has also seen the reduction of uninsured adults since the group began to tract the act statistics back in 2008. So why is it a great debate, when it seems to work well for the American citizen?
There has continuously been a lot of misinformation and confusion about the act that it becomes difficult to implement it smoothly, this began from the time it was signed to the law when partisan politics of the Republican party continued to provide citizens with wrong information about the act. It has often been argued that the act will see people losing their current healthcare plans after the law took to effect. As much as it may be true that in the first place the act took people by surprise since their insurer canceled their policies, this was however not covered in the minimum essential coverage under the act. In the first place, the minimum essential coverage incorporates one of the broadest based types of medical insurance which is usually provided by companies or employers.
This also includes cover by Medicare, Medicaid, Individual market policies, health insurance prog...
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