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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Climate Change: A Challenge Facing the Modern World

Essay Instructions:

Write a 500-800 words essay in which you develop a first preliminary idea of what your term paper could be at the end of the course. In this short text develop at least the following points:

Describe the environmental theme or challenge you would like to study in depth during the rest of the semester. This could be from local (your neighborhood), all the way to the planetary level.

Develop an argument of why this is an interesting challenge through the lens of the course in the two key elements:

Economy of the environment: the problem involves an interaction between the biosphere and the economy

Political economy: the problem involves distributional issues where some groups bear more/less responsibilities or suffer more/less the consequences, bringing inequality and justice to the forefront of the environmental issue you want to study.

Mention one or two sources of data that provide facts about the problemwhich can be used during your research.

Include one or two realiable bibliographic references to articles, studies, news, conferences where the problem is mentioned and that got your attention.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Climate Change
A lot has changed in the modern world. Technology has advanced significantly, along with high levels of industrialization across the globe. New companies are emerging due to increased demand for certain products following the increase in population, leading to climate pollution. However, most people tend to be ignorant about these changes' impact on the environment. Global warming is rising due to the release of harmful substances to the environment, mainly by industries spread across the globe (Singh et al., 13). Climate change is one of the challenges facing the modern world that I would like to study in depth in the semester.
According to the United Nations, climate change refers to long-term shifts in weather and temperature patterns (Bernstein 3). The changes in these patterns can either be through natural or human activities, such as burning fossil fuels. According to the United Nations, human activities have continuously contributed significantly to climate change since the 1800s. Increased human activities in different parts of the world have led to a rise in the production of gases that traps a lot of heat.
Climate change has a significant impact on the economy. In 2018, the Fourth National Climate Assessment warned that increased emissions of greenhouse gases to the environment would significantly affect the economy of the United States (Cho 1). This is because the increased rise in temperatures, extreme weather, and rising sea levels damages critical infrastructure necessary for economic growth. Agriculture, for instance, plays a significant role in a country's economy. Climate change has led to extreme rainfall events, rising by almost thirty-seven percent in most states of the Midwest in the Un...
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