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3 pages/≈825 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
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Antiracism: A Method for Solving Racism

Essay Instructions:

Model Writing Project for Sociology 3311

The purpose of this document is to clarify my expectations of this writing project. The general purpose of this project is to allow the student to explore either Colorblindness or Antiracism as a method for solving racism. The student will pick one of those models for examination. The paper should identify within the very first paragraph which model was selected. The paper should then provide a basic description of the model as well as an exploration of the usefulness of this model. The paper should then examine how, according to this model, our society should act concerning a certain racialized problem in our society. Such racialized problems include, but are not limited to: hate crimes, racial segregation, immigration, cross-racial economic differences, minority crime, white supremacist groups, etc. The paper should reflect an accurate assessment of how the proponents of this model would try to solve one of these racialized problems. Finally, the paper should conclude with a brief summary of the arguments presented in the paper and any final assessments of the author.

To aid the student in the first part of the paper – a description and exploration of the model – I have uploaded two sets of readings. Each set of readings is based on one of the models. They are labeled for the models they represent. The authors of the articles in these readings are proponents of that particular model and the readings illustrate how these authors want to solve racial problems in the United States. The purpose of these readings is to help the student to understand the models more fully. The readings can be downloaded from the Canvas website for this course under either the Files or Pages tabs.

The student is expected to cite all of the readings that pertain to his/her model in his/her bibliography, but can also find other literature that supports the philosophy behind a given model if so desired. The student should take care not to plagiarize from other sources and include a bibliography for the sources cited in the paper. The bibliography should be of an acceptable format and alphabetized.

The paper will be graded by how fairly the student is able to represent either colorblindness or antiracism and how well the student is able to apply the model to the racialized problem that he/she has chosen to address. The organization in the first paragraph should be closely followed if the student wants to maximize his/her grade. Unorganized papers will be penalized. The paper should be proofread for grammatical errors. It should be written in 12 pt. type and doubled spaced. The pages of the paper should be stapled together. Please do not turn in papers with writing on both sides of the paper.

I expect the paper to be between 3 and 6 pages. Papers shorter than 2 pages and longer than 7 pages will be docked several points. The paper is due on April 26 by the end of class. You will be docked 10 points for every day it is late after that.

The paper must be printed out from a computer file. Once the paper is completed the student will print out a hard copy to turn in before the assigned date and will also upload a file with the paper at www(dot)turnitin(dot)com. You should have already set up your account in this class. Click on “Models Paper.” At that point, you can browse and attach the paper. Go ahead and submit the paper. I suggest you attach the paper as soon as you are done with it and not wait until the night before the paper is due. Servers do crash from time to time. You should get a confirmation by email, which you can use to show that you submitted the paper. You must have your paper into turnitin by May 2 or else your grade will be halved.

Citation information for paper


Hughes, Coleman (2019) “Martin Luther King, Colorblind Radical” Wall Street Journal

(Online) January 18. https://www(dot)wsj(dot)com/articles/martin-luther-king-colorblind-radical-11547769741

MacDonald, Heather (2018) The Diversity Delusion St. Martin Press: New York (pgs. 35-52)

Marshall, David (2020). Letters to a “Racist” Nation Author (Chapter 3).

McWhorter, John H. (2009) “Colour-Blind National Post (Online) September 23



Gleig, Ann (2020) “Waking up to Whiteness and White Privilege” UFCToday (Online)


Lipsitz, George. (1995) "The possessive investment in whiteness." American Quarterly 47(3):


North, Anna (2020). “What it means to be anti-racist” Vox



Shapiro, Ari (2020) ‘There is no Neutral’: ‘Nice White People’ can still be Complicit in a

Racist Society NPR (Online) https://www(dot)npr(dot)org/2020/06/09/873375416/there-is-no-


Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Instructor’s Name
Course Section
Racism is the foundation of society. Racism is the belief that one race is superior to others. Racism is now considered "normal," encompassing a wide range of behaviors that can occur anywhere. Racism is defined as prejudice, bias, or resentment toward a person based on their race. Racism is often coupled with acts of exploitation or aggravation. Racism, on the other hand, does not always have to involve forceful or threatening behavior; racial slurs and jokes are considered racism, as are circumstances in which people are denied from organizations or events because of their race. Racism can be observed in a person's behavior and actions. It is also observable in organizations and structures. However, it is not always disclosed. Other racisms are obscured, while others are evident. Racism can extend beyond thoughts, expressions, and behavior. It includes all of the barriers that prevent people from enjoying equality of rights because of their race. On the other hand, an anti-racism is a powerful tool for combating racism (North).
There is no such thing as neutrality; one is racist or anti-racist. The claim that one is not a racist conceals racism (Shapiro). It is not enough to be not a racist; one must also be anti-racist. These two notions have different meanings too. Anti-racism has existed throughout the twentieth-century movements for people’s rights, specifically the Blacks. Anti-racism defines what it means to combat racism rather than claim to be non-racist complacently assertively. Anti-racism entails eliminating racist policies and ensuring that people work toward a more democratic and free society (North). Thus, there is no neutrality in this society.
Racist and anti-racist identities are not constant. These are labels that are applied or removed depending on what an individual is doing or not doing, promoting or opposing, and conveying at any given time. A racist and an anti-racist, on the other hand, hold opposing views. A racist believes that problems arise from within groups of people, whereas an anti-racist believes that issues arise from the superiors' influence and policies. Racists also allow racial injustices to persist, whereas anti-racists confront racial injustices. Thus, being a racist or an anti-racist has a distinct definition, characteristics, and behaviors (North).
To create an equal society, people must commit to making unbiased decisions and being anti-racist in all aspects of their lives. Superiors are at ease in a racist society; however, to overcome racism, these people must become uncomfortable with continuing to benefit from racist systems. Being an anti-racist necessitates historical knowledge and the recognition that racial disparities result from poli...
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