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Social Sciences
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Leadership in Social Media - Anti-Racism. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

The goal of this course has been to tackle the racialization of Islam in the media and our greater public sphere. We have examined this sociologically and asked how Catholic interreligious dialogue might offer us one way to proceed positively. Given the reality of our current political culture, media bias, and our susceptibility to this media influence on us, how do you propose you will move forward as a leader? How do you want to proceed as an Ignatian Leader? What does it mean to you to be a leader for a more just and humane world?

The answer to your question should be a reflection of your own experience. There is no additional research required for this paper. However, you are expected to incorporate at least three readings from the course AND your own experience engaging in interreligious dialogue with your partner organization.

Double Spaced 750 to 1,000 words.

Due Wednesday June 13 by 2:00pm (Scheduled Final Exam period). The paper is due via Canvas submission as we will not meet in person after June 6. Early submissions are encouraged.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ignatian Leadership for social change
In addition to being a source of entertainment, social media is a powerful tool with communication abilities that exceed any of the communication platforms that have been around in the past (Joel). With the speed the news travel on the social media platforms, it has turned into one of the most crucial platforms that social changes are effected through (Michael). It is no longer the influence of the television that parents are worried about and the amount of time or the content that their children are exposed, it is social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and twitter among others. One of the social changes that has been a great concern is with the negative influences driving a wedge between the rest of the society and the religion of Islam. Islamophobia is a real danger and one that needs to be addressed before it turns into a nightmare. This is especially the case in the western nations, where much of the media content is directed at painting a grim picture of the religion and more importantly associating them with terrorism.
It is quite sad to note that, while there are constant reports that are deemed to incriminate the Muslim in the society. Creating an air of mistrust in the community where a Muslim cannot live in peace among his or her neighbors because they are constantly suspecting them of being terrorist and propagating religious hate crimes. Ironically, the Muslim have been the most brutalized by the acts of terror that have been perpetrated on their home soils, compared to non-Muslims. Before the crimes get to the western nations, it is the people in the home countries within the Arab peninsula where the war lords commit all manner of gruesome crimes against their people forcing them to acknowledge their power. The leaders and terrorists in these nations rule through fear, while hiding behind distorted religious beliefs. Muslims are beheaded, burnt alive, thrown off buildings, executed on the streets or stoned among other heinous ways of punishment. When they seek asylum in other countries, the media creates hostile environment for them. While all they want is to move on with their lives and away from all the discrimination. They are discriminated in their home countries and when they seek shelter elsewhere, it is no different. What is important is that, even the political class has joined in on the frenzy, milling out statements that are bound to incite the people against those of the Islamic faith. Establishing policies that are geared toward...
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