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Analytical Essay. Make quotation from the article. Social Sciences

Essay Instructions:

There are 11 pdfs lecture notes and 1 article embed in 3 pages. You need to make quotation from the article. And one image of the prompt. It's due on July 8th 5pm

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Analytical Essay
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Institutional Affiliation
Analytical Essay
The American politics seem to thrive well in a toxic environment. Over the years, there have been high level conflicts in the American politics. The political Arena is characterized by massive disagreements over government policies that have created huge divisions among the American Citizens. Many Americans are fed up with the unending conflicts, although, some quotas are of the view that political conflict is a constant and necessary force in maintaining a toxic environment. In as much as many Americans are wishing for peaceful political environment that fosters economic growth, sound judicial systems, and equality in the society, the desires are still far from being realized since the constitution offers a conducive ground that harbors conflict politics. The drafters of the constitution were aware that there would be possible needs for the government to strengthen its mandate after previous struggles under the guidance of the article of confederation. As a result, the framers of the constitution created the possibility of the government to abuse its powers to control the peoples’ freedom. The framers built points of conflicts into the design of the constitution to create intentional conflict. The points of conflicts were framed in three ways, first, the federal government was granted more power, second, was the installation of imbalanced check and balance system, and conflicting court operations.
Under the Article of Confederation, the federal government conspicuously weak, and there was the presidency or the Supreme Court. Similarly, the Congress had little power as well since they could not levy taxes for example. Every state had one vote and the passing of important decisions required a supermajority vote. Then, there was a genuine concern that the country was going in a wrong direction, and the framers intentionally gave the federal government more power than it had in the past. The federal government has the right to print money, create a military, and impose tax levies. Little power such as the power to set educational policies was reserved to the state government. The drafters’ intentions were to design a strong government to bring order and control in the country. In as much as each arm of government have different roles, still, the drafters crafted a provision that saw each branch of government controlling the actions of one another through the system of check and balance. For instance, the laws passed by the Congress can be sanctioned by the President. Also, when the president appoints judges, it has the duty of the Senate to approve them. The system of check and balance was designed to prevent any branch of government from exploiting their powers and threaten the freedom of the American Citizens.
The system of check and balance sometimes sets the arms of government against each other for the creditable drive of limiting tyranny. From the face value, the functions of checks and balance appear to be important in governing but some unscrupulous politicians take advantage of it and employ use check and balance to push their agendas. In addition, Individual corruption and partisan polarization have been the major reasons behind the failure of the political constitutions and therefore sending the governmental systems into crisis. Theoretically, the conflicts between different branches of the government seem to spring instances of constitutional crisis, frequently, but in reality, the occurrence is rare. This reason behind the infrequent occurrence of actual a constructional crisis is because they the provisions offer political incentives to elected leaders to prevent government shutdowns. The constitution is designed in a manner in which manner is shared between the courts, Congress and the presidency, and between the state and the federal government. The conflicts are likely to evolve when these institutions are at loggerheads since each branch views itself as equally strong to each other. Government institutions become ineffective when the elected leaders prioritize politics more than process, hence triggering serious constitutional conflicts. The elected leaders focus less on how the government institution was designed whi...
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