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A Research Analysis on the Movie Entitled Get Out

Essay Instructions:

Choose a Film OR TV Show (2+ episodes) directed by a black filmmaker/ artist OR that features a black performance artist in the leading role and write a 5-page paper (12-pt font, double spaced) analyzing how the main characters demonstrate the intersection of race, class, and gendered identities. How do the characters illustrate the concept of "diversity within blackness"? Does the use of comedy, satire, or irony reinforce or challenge negative stereotypes of blackness? If so, or if not, why? Please pay careful attention to how geographic location and historical context shape the characters' worldviews.
Above is the requirement from teacher, I already selected the movie, its called “Get Out” by director named Jordan Peele.
Under is the requirement of the using of the sources :
You must include at least 5 sources that look promising, which will help you analyze the significance of race, class, gender, etc., identities of the characters included in the film or television series that you've selected. You MUST identify at least 2 primary sources (e.g. interviews with writer, director, producer or actors featured in film or television show that you're writing about) AND 3 scholarly sources. You may use books as scholarly sources and/ or you can use digital/electronic (web) materials, but 3 of them MUST be peer reviewed (scholarly) texts. (Consider article Herman Gray, Cultural Moves (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.).
Please note regarding your annotated bibliography (a.k.a. "Works Cited" page). ONLY scholarly books on topics relevant to your main thesis AND/ OR articles found through academic databases, which have been published in peer-reviewed journals count as scholarly sources. I'm talking about databases like JSTOR and Project Muse. Use key terms to search under the categories of "Articles & More" on Miami U's library website: http://www(dot)lib(dot)miamioh(dot)edu/multifacet/books/academic+databases?field=text
For NON-scholarly sources, you may also used articles found in reputable news publications such as The New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
21 November 2017
A Research Analysis on the Movie Entitled Get Out
by Jordan Peele
This research paper is a movie review and analysis of the actors and main characters demonstrating cultural diversity of race, class and gender identities. Jordan Peele’s movie earned over thirty million on the first week of its opening and has immediately become a phenomenal hit worldwide. The story focuses on the interracial relationship between Chris known as actor Daniel Kaluuya and Rose, played by actress Allison Williams as he met with the woman’s family. The movie has been categorized as a horror film where there is violence, dread and racist scenes depicting interactions between blacks and whites. Accordingly, in this present time where lives of the Blacks are being fought for, this movie deliberately shows a vision of a wicked nightmare that black lives are being taken advantage of, being treated unfairly, and unjustly mocked or abused with much contempt and indignation. The lead male actor who is black has gotten involved in a sinister plot involving his girlfriend’s family property. “Rose has not informed her parents that Chris is black, stating as well that her dad voted for Obama three times” (Tallerico B). Chris noticed that there was something unusual in the house, considering the demeanor of the groundskeeper, housekeeper and Rose’s brother. The story build up was magnificent with Peeles, the director, throwing out one clue after another in every sequence of the scenes. Jordan Peele is a black man married to a white woman hence, his personal issues and convictions had an effect in this movie particularly his prejudices and stand against racism. Similarly, “by the year 1980, the Blacks are represented more in the television screen, specifically in the Cosby Show where a student’s life at the Black College was narrated” (Smith-shomade B.E). Writers and authors have started case studies on the role and authority of television producers who are known to have great influence over the script. In addition, also similar to the movie Get Out is the TV Series ‘Vampire Diaries’ who had a black actress with a character named Bonnie to show cultural diversity and difference. Her strength of character in the series, symbolically represents how the Blacks are strong in their resolve to fight everyday challenges even the extreme persecution against their race. Bonnie was seen to be a part of a prestigious circle possessed with immense power. Each of the characters in the movie Get Out shows the viewers different perspectives and point of view concerning the term "diversity within blackness". Basically, the usage of comedy, satire and irony as was in this case, have challenged several issues on being born Black.
Analysis of the Movie and Significance of the Race, Class, Gender, and Identities of the Characters
In the movie, the racism of the parents of Rose has been clearly seen against Chris, the lead actor who is a Black. He accepted Rose for being white but the family of the latter had savage discriminations against Chris for the color of his skin which is unjust and unfair. “The Black people are diverse in a sense that there is a North American Black, African Black, European Black, and they are coming from different places, speaking different languages having varying styles and perceptions” Warren G. There are Blacks who prioritize entertainment over education. While some prefer to be lawyers, doctors, engineers, others prefer to be actors like Will Smith and Denzel Washington who have earned reputation for their hard work and popularity. Most Blacks could not exercise their rights to be protected by the law since they grew up uneducated and lacking the knowledge and discernment to protect themselves. In this movie, Chris has a job and is known to be literate. He is educated and knows his rights but he gave people a chance to prove themselves to him. Although from the very beginning he already started doubting his persecutors and captors, he gave justification and excuses for their actions.
Based on assessments, the language and social barriers have kept most Blacks from reaching levels of success. A research work made by Packard J. stated that “black students consistently combine and integrate personal experiences with academic activities and subjects”. Likewise, “institutional racism shows how lived experiences are used to understand a course concept at a theoretical level” Packard J. These assessments state that the personal experiences and traumatic encounters of Blacks affect their performance in other areas of their lives. Racial discrimination has been rampant not just in America but in other parts of the world as well. The hard truth that some people, organizations, and corporations wouldn’t even hire Blacks in their offices because of their fear that all Blacks are the same supremist and violent idealists. The movie Get Out has spoken the tru...
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