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Defining Atheism in World Religion

Essay Instructions:
This assigment if worth 10% of the final mark. It is based on key terminologies discussed in the First Chapter, Religious Responses. It is to be formatted in the style on an essay no shorter than 400 words and no longer than 600 words. As with the final essay, this assignemnt will be in the style of a research paper; therefore, a minimum of two sources will be required. Sources and citations are to follow MLA format. Topic: Define Atheism.
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Defining Atheism in World Religion
Atheism has numerous meanings and all of which are interconnected to a nonexistence of belief in the existence of a god, a goddess, gods, goddesses, or amalgamation of weird entities. The term Atheism is vague by itself; it really requires a modifier as in strong Atheist, weak Atheist and apathetic Atheist; and in order to accurately refer to a specific belief. Atheism has also been defined as anything from a lack of belief in God to a total rejection of His existence and atheism is a mounting association that is becoming more destructive, more challenging, and less broadminded of anything other than itself as is illustrated by its adherents (McGrath, 2004).
Among the universal inhabitants, the most common meaning of the word Atheist describes a strong Atheist; an individual who absolutely asserts that all the thousands or tens of thousands of demons, god(s), Satans, goddess(es), ghosts and angels do not exist. The concept of such divinities and semi-divinities are all created by humans (Rosenthal, 2009).
The common meaning among Atheists themselves refers to a weak, unenthusiastic, soft, or incredulous Atheist: one who lacks a belief in any supernatural entities whatsoever. A common credence among adherent Christians is that an individual chooses to be an Atheist for only one basis, if they were to accept as true in a God they would need to follow that God's moral set of laws as he/she has revealed to humanity thus that may be a true assessment for some Atheists, but I have never met any like that. They see no evidence for such being(s) and they see many indicators that such beings do not exist. To be true to themselves they cannot accept the reality of God, just as the standard Christian cannot accept the existence of Thor, Venus, Baal, and other goddesses and gods of ancient times (Graffin, Greg, and Steve, 2004).
Since atheism is rejection of the being of God or gods, it is vital first to recognize in which God or gods the atheist denies. For instance, in prehistoric times, as example, Christians were blamed of being atheists because of their rejection of the pagan gods, even though they believed in the Christian God (McGrath, 2010).
Atheists argue there are two main reasons for their rejection of the being of God or distrust in God; the certainty that there is affirmative evidence or argument that God does not exist which is also strong atheism which is also at times called positive atheism, and their claim that theists abide the lumber of proof to show that God exists and that they have failed to do so thus that belief is therefore needless (Rosenthal. 2009).
They are three common ways that atheism manifest itself: militant athei...
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