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Vocation Calling and the Christian Liberal Arts and Communication Principles

Essay Instructions:

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The Three Senior Seminar Essays                                                                                                            Spring (A Quad) 2021

Vocation, Liberal Arts, and Communication

Each essay should be at least 2 pages and no more than 3 pages (typed, double-spaced, standard font and margins). The essays should be carefully prepared to meet senior-level academic standards in grammar, vocabulary, prose style, and evidence of scholarship. For the latter, use at least two scholarly sources per essay (the Bible does not count as a source, but may be a useful element in an essay); sources should be referenced using APA, MLA, or Chicago style and may appear as endnotes (or Works Cited, or References) on the final page (or a 4th page).

For each of the following position papers, you answer should reflect coursework, i.e., class content that has provided you with resources for generating positions on vocation, education, and communication. You are not limited to Senior Seminar, or to your Comm courses, although several of our Senior Seminar readings will provide definitions (e.g., “vocation”) and directions for answering these questions.

Your answers also may reflect the fullness of your college experience. Thus, you are not merely a “brain on a stick” that absorbs class content and turns it into life guidelines. You also are fully human, with interests, relationships, hobbies, activities, successes and failures. Feel free to tap into these experiences “outside” the classroom as you reflect upon, and develop, your positions.

40 points possible for each essay. These essays will contribute to your portfolio as signal reflection statements.

  • The required essays are in a sequence, so you may helpfully think of these as building on each other.
  • Portfolio Tip: Group the essays together within your portfolio and clearly identify where they are located!

 Essay #1: What is your vocational calling?

Draft Due Thur, Feb 11

Final Due Thur, Feb 25

To assist you in answering this question, consider these alternative prompts. These are synonymous questions to the primary question stated above.  (These are NOT separate questions requiring additional essays or multiple sections within your essay.)

  • What sort of life will you live so that it is meaningful, purposeful, “good,” and right?
  • What is the general calling on your life, and what do you consider to be your more specific calling?
  • How does one life a life faithful to God’s calling 

Remember: vocational calling is NOT your occupation.

So, what have you learned through your undergraduate years about who you ought to be and what sort of life you ought to live? 

Your answer may lead you to become employed in specific ways, but this career job/occupation/employment fits within your vocational calling and is not the calling itself. 

Essay #2: What is the contribution of a Christian liberal arts education to your fulfillment of your vocation?

Draft Due Thur, Feb 11

Final Due Thur, Feb 25 

Or, to phrase it in a slightly different way:

  • How does a Christian liberal arts education contribute to living rightly (or living purposefully, or living well)?

This essay should reflect knowledge of a liberal arts education (what is it, exactly?), so you ought not invent your own idea of liberal arts but rely on a quality definition of liberal arts from a scholarly source(s).

Think very specifically about your curriculum. What specific classes provided resources to shape your sense of calling? What specific classes didn’t seem to fit or work well to grow you? What about those classes was constructive for your sense of calling?

Essay #3: What communication principles and/or practices will contribute to living your vocation?

Draft Due Thur, Feb 18

Final Due Thur, Feb 25

Or, to phrase this another way:

  • How will you communicate to live well, or to live your good life, or to live a meaningful and purposeful life?

Your answer will rely on a definition or conception of communication, so be sure to make clear how you are defining/understanding communication early in this essay 

What knowledge(s) and skill(s) have you gained from your Comm major classes that equip you to live your vocational calling?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject and Section
Professor's Name
What is your vocational calling?
Am I fit for this set goal? Is my career path applicable to my personality? Do I have the skill to maintain my chosen course? These are some of the questions, multiple questions, that every people ponders upon during the crisis of choice in what career they would be in the future. Career holds a significant influence on an individual's life since it keeps their future standing in society. Hence, choosing a career path is influenced by different factors that lead to a constant change of goals (Chang). And these changes will lead to the righteous path that every people is destined to by God's grace.
Kazi and Akhlaq disclosed that several factors influence the decision of a person in choosing their career path. Some of these factors can be an individual's life circumstances, social influence, academic skills, talents, and the likes. But if a chosen path tends to be a rough road for the person, or he/she was forced into choosing it, failing and disappointment will not be missed. My parents were one of the factors that I chose my first career, so I majored in economics. One reason was when after achieving this major, job applications would be provided easier. Upon entering the university, the reality and experiences were different from what was supplied as expectations. Students' perspectives were in a critical place as it was a transition period where their environment and lifestyle changes then (Kantanis). In the end, as I continued to try my best to pursue a path that was for convenience, I ended up letting it go.
After great thinking, I carefully chose a major that interests me and pursued it instead, majoring in communication-media. In communication media, students are shown the importance of mass media in the life of people. It provides the students a deeper understanding of how the media influences and reflects every individual's culture (Baran). Each new knowledge I encountered was fun and exploring. Discovering new ideas and enhancing my skills were the advantages of taking this major. But as I continued to pursue it, slowly, I again questioned myself, is this really for me? As I quietly ponder now if my decision was correct, then I thought, I always had fun in my classes. I valued the knowledge and ideas I learned and experienced as I continued to grow. I was amazed when my teacher talked about what I don't know of and always had fun with the activities and projects that we did despite all the hardships. Then again, I thought, maybe this is for me but from a different perspective, and perhaps, this is the calling that people say. Phillips stated that for men and women, calling was alleged in spiritual and purposeful outlooks. Men viewed the calling as pragmatic and cognitive, while women looked at it with emotions and feelings that connect to their sense of self.
Until now, I am still carefully thinking of what I could be after graduation. Teaching was what captivated me, maybe because it was the sense of intrinsic reasons to influence other people of my knowledge and expertise in the field (Kyriacou & Coulthard), where I want to teach and create an environment that is free of judgment and open to learning. In the end, I still don't know what future lies ahead, but always, I look forward to it.
Works Cited
Baran, Stanley J. "Introduction to mass communication." (2015).
Chang, C. M. "Choosing career paths: The outputs of VTASI teams." 2012 Proceedings of PICMET'12: Technology Management for Emerging Technologies. IEEE, 2012.
Kantanis, Tanya. "The role of social transition in students': adjustment to the first year of university." Journal of Institutional Research 9.1 (2000): 100-110.
Kazi, Asma Shahid, and Abeeda Akhlaq. "Factors Affecting Students' Career Choice." Journal of Research & Reflections in Education (JRRE) 11.2 (2017).
Kyriacou, Chris, and Melissa Coulthard. "Undergraduates' views of teaching as a career choice." Journal of education for Teaching 26.2 (2000): 117-126. DOI: 10.1080/02607470050127036>
Subject and Section
Professor's Name
Essay 2: What is the contribution of a Christian liberal arts education to the fulfillment of your vocation?
Buss and Greiling specified that every individual is different from one another. There are hundreds of differences that can be extracted when contrasting two or more people at once. These differences can either be adaptive, maladaptive, or neutral and are caused by different factors. Included in these factors is the influence that Christian liberal arts give to a person, which also influences his/her calling.
Rostron elaborated that Liberal Arts Education is a college or university that imparts the knowledge and concepts about literature, languages, philosophy, mathematics, and more. It is not bounded and unlike professional or technical curriculums that is a specialized field of expertise. Besides, Christian liberal arts is an education wherein moral values and beliefs are being focused on. This program provides the students to improve their moral judgment under what they believe in. It does not let the learners stray from their beliefs just because the program itself teaches them to be liberal from their conclusions (McNeel). Generally, C...
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