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Spirituality of the Cross

Essay Instructions:
This is a book report type of essay for the class Theology 101. This is a book report on the book “The Spirituality of the Cross” by Gene Edward Veith. It must be MLA format, 3 pages in length, size 11 font, Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced. Explain what the thesis is, rational behind the thesis, and your reaction to the thesis. The only source is the book and you must use specific citations from the book (last name, page#) within the book report. I need the paper done in 6 hours. The additional website for information: http://www(dot)cph(dot)org/pdf/124290.pdf
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Book Report: Spirituality of the Cross
Veith Edward`s book "Spirituality of the Cross" details Christian traditions from a historical point of view. The author sought to define Christianity away from politics, moralism and any spiritual glory but as the ideology of spirituality associated with liberation. The author describes how many Christians change their spirituality after viewing Christ Jesus and the Cross from a different perspective. The purpose of his thesis was to detach Christianity from Lutheran perspectives of a religion that was political, culture and power, but rather the wining of converts.
This book came as a welcome relief to many Christians who had been introduced to the notion that as a religion, Christianity was oppressive, based on tight rules and strict morals that no individual could achieve. The author depicts the Christianity based on the sacrifices made by Christ Jesus on the cross as Christianity that seeks righteousness with the grace of God and the love of Christ. By writing this book, the author removes all fanatical dogmas associated with hypocritical Christianity and self righteousness, which has been associated with cruelty, falsehood and the lack of love for fellow men.
The author proves that most churches or Christian leaders fail to provide spiritual reality to their members and make the faith mundane through religious practices, ordinary prayer sessions and scripted preaching. These aspects make it impossible for many people to develop a healthy and functional Christian life above their family, work and social pressures. For the author, a complete spirituality can only be achieved if a person can reach, ‘a spiritual framework which is large enough to embrace whole range of human existence` (Veith 16). This type of spirituality therefore must encompass and transfigure the physical and ordinary world.
To the author, Christianity was the one religion that could offer this type of spirituality since it was based on God in the flesh and on the cross rather than on god himself. Therefore, by defining Christianity in this manner, the author simply concludes that all forms of spirituality within this faith are all based on the mystery of atonement of sin, the incarnation and the redemption of the spirit. The author sites that the achievement of this type of faith in God is difficult, since the requirement for Christians to attend church, and the ever presence of disappointment in churches makes it difficult for many people to attend churches. Despite the frustrations presented by Christian churches, Veith recognizes that each church or each Christian denomination holds fast to some form of traditional spiritual teaching, with emphasis on distinctive teachings. This presents problem to most Christians who are in such of the ultimate spiritual experience in a church, where they find distortions and problems from traditions.
The development of spirituality in terms of traditional church teachings is not difficult to achieve today, given the existence of diverse churches with each embracing their own traditions. This is because, for all types of Christians the variety in churches provide a variety of spiritual experiences each unique from the other. For many Christians, the trend is the spiritual experience offered by modern contemporary churches that have popularized and branded churches through popular gospel music, comfortable interior decor with shag carpeting and plenty of refreshments after services. The author views such churches as the epitome of goof feelings and one dimensional spiritual experience that leave Christians without any desirable Christian content (Veith 17). This form of Christianity or church activity introduces spiritual worship that is different from traditional Christian teachings and which is based on the misgivings of contemporary society. Unfortunately for our civilization the rich historical Christian traditions no longer exist as they have been replaced by various forms of spirituality.
The argument of this book presents a concept often debated about in the Christian realms. This is because, society still recognises the presence of a rich history in Christianity which is still fundamentally found within the bible. The author`s exploration of the thesis is of importance for it rekindles thought and critic of the manner in which Christians attain and maintain their spirituality. This aspect is crucial for any individual to think about for spirituality is an ever present facet of humanity. I believe humanity cannot escape spirituality and the attainment of spirituality provides an individual a closer relationship with their maker. Therefore, the exploration of what is right for Christian spirituality is a noble thesis, given the fact that our world has changed drastically with emerging ideologies and theories that rock the Christian faith. Moreover, the exploration of the thesis creates an opportunity for a Christian to device means through which they can satisfy their...
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