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Define then describe the qualities and consequences of sin (3). Religion & Theology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Part II - Short answer: Answer each question below. You must restate the question as part of your answer. Number your answers. Typed work will not be accepted. Be sure to write legibly. MLA heading. Questions #1-20 are due 5/2. Questions #21-40 are due 5/3.

2 What day is the Sabbath and why?

3 What is a strong and false love of self?

4 List 4 violations of the 5th commandment.

5 Describe Social Sin in 3 sentences.

6 What are four consequences of original sin?

7 What is the greatest virtue? Identify it and define it.

8 Does the Roman Catholic Church believe that guilty criminals should be punished? Is yes, why? How?

9 Is original sin forgivable? If yes, how? If no, why?

10 When the following THREE conditions are met then a sin is a mortal sin.

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Part 2
Part II - Short answer: Answer each question below. You must restate the question as part of your answer. Number your answers. Typed work will not be accepted. Be sure to write legibly. MLA heading. Questions #1-20 are due 5/2. Questions #21-40 are due 5/3.
1 Define then describe the qualities and consequences of sin (there are three qualities)
Sin is a law that is associated with evil, sin is a war since victory over sin takes efforts, faith and changes in actions, desires and words. Sin is a prison that holds people captive against their will. Sin leads to death, and for those who are unrepentant the ultimate consequence is hell.
2 What day is the Sabbath and why?
The Jewish Sabbath day is Saturday and is the day they worship, but Catholics worship on Sunday’s, which s the Lord’s Day.
3 What is a strong and false love of self?
A strong love of self is one’s love of themselves that is authentic and make themselves happy, self and false love of self is a manipulated persona on how people want to, think and look
4 List 4 violations of the 5th commandment.
The fifth commandment is honor thy father and thy mother and for Catholics is “ you shall not kill”
* Suicide
* Abortion
* Intentional homicide
* Euthanasia
5 Describe Social Sin in 3 sentences.
Social is in represent the society’s sinfulness and also affects institutions. The social sin affects an individual and those around them potentially damaging more than one person. Sometimes there are physical and emotional scars from sin, which also affect the spirit.
6 What are four consequences of original sin?
* Losing their state of Original Holiness and Justice
* Lost friendship with God
* Adam and Eve were kicked out of Garden of Eden
* Human nature was wounded and people suffer and die as original holiness no longer exists
7 What is the greatest virtue? Identify it and define it.
Charity is the greatest virtue, which is infused by God into peoples’ souls enabling them to love God above all things including their neighbors as they love themselves.
8 Does the Roman Catholic Church believe that guilty criminals should be punished? Is yes, why? How?
Just as God punishes intentional evil, so to should the criminals be punished, but this ought to be matching or proportionate to the crime.
9 Is original sin forgivable? If yes, how? If no, why?
People struggle in the presence of evil because of the original sin, but when there is baptism even the original sin is forgiven.
10 When the following THREE conditions are met then a sin is a mortal sin.
* The act seriously wrong or grace matter.
* The sinner must know clearly what they are doing is evil,
* The sinner willingly commits the sinful act as there is deliberate consent
What are the qualities that define venial sin?
A venial sin is an action that weakens our relationship with God
* One fails to observe God's law in a less serious matter
* One commits the sin without full knowledge or give full consent in a grave matter
What is the purpose of keeping the Sabbath day holy?
To remember and keep the Sabbath day holy where people worship and prepare themselves spiritually.
What is the purpose of the second commandment?
The second commandment is “thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” The commandment is relevant as people speak in reverence to God, holiness and the saints.
Which commandment(s) guide individuals on matters of sexuality?
Sixth and ninth commandment
Which commandment(s...
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