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Nostra Aetate: Tolerance and Justice

Essay Instructions:

100 Points
Review the document from Pope Paul VI, Nostra Aetate (In Our Time), issued after Vatican II (1965). Pope Paul's appeal to Christians and non-Christians to respect one another's systems of belief in 1965 was published during a time of social unrest. Is the wisdom of the Nostra in its appeal for tolerance and justice relevant to our issues today? Are we struggling with the same issues of understanding- or do we face new ones? Be specific. Quote from the text. [500 words MLA]

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Tolerance and Justice
According to the document Nostra Aetate from Pope Paul VI, the Pope appeals that both Christians and non-Christians have to show respect (Cohen et al. pp3) to one another through bonds of friendship. The bond of friendship is essential in helping individuals in being strengthened as one. The church carefully monitors its connection with other religions by creating awareness among different nations to reflect unity (3). The Pope tends to reflect what people have in common and what unites them despite their differences in religious beliefs. The Nostra explains that humanity emerges from a stem that God created, hence sharing a common destiny. People are expected to extend their humanity to one another as they understand the purpose of life, uphold proper behavior, comprehend the mysteries of life.
Relevance Of The Wisdom Of The Nostra In Its Appeal For Tolerance And Justice To Our Issues Today
The wisdom reflected in Nostra in its (5) appeal for tolerance and justice applies to the present issues in the society. Tolerance and injustice are rampant in the current society, although it is embraced in some places and by some people. In some situations, people may show a lack of respect for one another’s practices and beliefs other than their own. Discrimination is a common act globally since, in some places, people from particular religious’ beliefs receive more favors than others. Nostra rejects such acts by promoting the behavior of Christianity which emphasizes togetherness despite indifferences.
In today’s society, there are many issues with religions, with each having believers. Currently, some religious issues affect society today; they include; anxiety,...
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